Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lessons from Dance Class

I just reached the halfway point in my new adventure as a dancer.  Honestly, the only reason I took the class was because it was for a fundraiser I was running.  I knew going in to the class that I am not coordinated AT ALL but I figured I would give it a shot. Three classes in and it has been... well, life altering. While I am nowhere near ready for Broadway or any type of performance, for that matter, I have learned a lot. 

Lessons I have learned from Dance Class:

1. My parents made a wise financial decision by not signing me up for dance as a child.  I am bad.  I am worse than bad.  I am pathetically bad.  I know I would have been that kid that cried every week or that tripped and made all the tiny ballerinas fall like dominoes. I promise, with my fingers crossed, that I won't ever give my parents a hard time for not enrolling me in dance classes.

2. I am really out of shape. I am worn out after the warmups are completed.  After the second class I even pulled something in my back during stretches.  I can't handle an hour of dancing!

3. Jumping after birthing 3 children, not good.  Enough said.

4. My girls handle situations completly different.  I have known this but seeing it happen is always a learning experience.  A1 is ready to volunteer, eager to be in front of the group.  She wants to be the center of attention and show off her abilities.  A2 is more like me.  She doesn't want people watching her.  She wants to blend in.  She is afraid people will laugh at her. 

5. My muscle memory is just as bad as my regular memory.  Actually it might be worse.  We will finish learning a dance step and go back to run eveything we have learned and I completely forget the beginning.  I usually have to have the people standing next to me say the steps out loud so I can kind of do what I am supposed to do. 

6. I am a sweaty exerciser.  I usually have sweat pouring off of me by the time class is over.  When I look at the other dancers NONE of the rest of them are even flushed.  I am a mess and these other people are cool cucumbers.  No Fair!

7. I make a better boy than a girl.  My advice is if you are ever given a choice to dance as a boy or girl, ALWAYS go with boy!  It is much easier to dance as a boy.  The only problem is that you could end up with a diva partner like my dance partner.  I won't tell names but it does happen to start with A and she just so happens to be 4 years old.  This little diva would refuse to do the moves unless she liked them and when things went wrong she would put her hands on her hips and say, "It's all your fault." and stick her tongue out at me. 

8. When all else fails, tie your shoes.  Pretending Needing to tie your shoes can be very helpful.  It will buy you a few seconds of a break.  Can't remember a move? Tie your shoes.  Can't breath? Tie your shoes.  Can't see because sweat is falling in your eyes? Tie your shoes. 

9. I am a much better dance mom than dancer.  I realize that dance is hard work, work that I really don't want to do.  I am really good at cheering on my little dancers, not so good at dancing.  I am ok with that.  Actually I am perfectly happy with that!

10. Challenging yourself to do something new is good.  I am not one to put myself out there.  I am good with my routine.  Taking this class was wild in my world.  I have had a lot of fun.  I know I am not a dancer but I have laughed a lot and learned a lot.  As a bonus I got to take this class with A1 and A2.  They have laughed at with me.  They have seen me laugh at my mistakes.  They see that is ok not to be perfect.  Taking this class is one of the smartest things I have done in a long time!

I'm glad I still have 3 more classes.  3 more hours of embarrassment.  3 more hours of torture.  3 more hours of learning.  

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