Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Banned Phrases

One of Mac's favorite shows is The Five on FNC, Ok, my liberal friends don't get all judgy on me, it really is a funny show you might be entertained by it, if you try. A popular segment on the show is "Banned Phrases." Greg Gutfeld chooses a popular, overused phrase and will deem it banned.

Stealing Greg Gutfeld's clever idea, I have come up with my own banned phrases for 2014:

1. Minecraft- Sorry A1, I really don't want to hear all about that game! I have no interest in hearing about the diamonds you have found.  I don't want to see the chickens you spawned. I don't want to watch you jump from brick to brick building who-knows-what. Minecraft makes me want to throw a two year old's temper tantrum.

2. No, Mama do it. A3, why does Mommy have to do it? Why can't Daddy hand you the cup of water that is sitting right next to him? Why do I have to get up and walk across the room to pick it up and then hand it do you? Why do I have to hand you the toy you dropped in the car? Why can't A2 bend over and pick up the toy that is at her feet? Why do I have to serve you your dinner? Why can't A1 bring you your plate? WHY DO I HAVE TO DO IT? 

3. Saboteur- Just stop with this one. 

4. Thrown under the bus-Rarely does anyone in my real life use this, but I hear it all the time on our favorite game shows and reality shows.  This saying is over used and just blah!

5. At the end of the day- At the end of the day; nothing.  This is another cringe worthy overused phrases. I just don't like it at all. 

6. I'm just going to be at the Muni for a little bit- No explanation needed. 

7. Can I have a sleep over? -Why do the girls ask over and over to have a friend spend the night? What could be fun about letting your friends in on the secret of how crazy your family really is, or how mean your mom gets when she doesn't get her sleep? The answer will almost always be "no" unless I am caught during a moment of weakness. 

8. Dag Nabit -Really, A1 are you 80? Is this what all the young whippersnappers are saying these days? Who are you!?!

9. It's not fair- I will show you what's not fair.

10. Anywho...- This sends shivers down my spine. Why would anyone want this to be in their vocabulary?  If anyone on the A Team ever says this, they can expect to get vinegar. Several of my friends know how much I hate this "word" and love to toss it into a conversation. To them I say: "I hope your rashy, moist, feet, don't require ointment."

Friends and, especially, family, if we could just eliminate these phrases, 2015 could be the best year ever!

Monday, December 29, 2014


It seems that I have been MIA. I was reminded last week that I hadn't published a post for quite sometime. I honestly didn't think it had been very long; maybe a couple of weeks. After looking back, I realized I haven't posted anything for a little over 3 months. I guess it has been awhile.

Actually, I have have been writing , but not pushing that "publish" button.  I would start out on a great writing adventure and at some point I would get bored or distracted by life and just not finish. The ones I would finish I realized were more of an emotional dump and I did not want to burden someone with my feelings, that now seem silly.

I plan on going back through all the posts I have written and finish them. Maybe I will even end up pushing that "publish" button on a few.