Sunday, February 10, 2013


For as long as I can remember I have been a worrier.  I have this unique talent to be able to worry about things that a normal person hasn't even heard of.  I can remember laying in bed at night in forth grade sobbing because I was convinced we were going to blow up in a nuclear bomb attack after reading a book I took home from the school library.  I am not one to support banning books but why in the world was this book in an elementary library and why on Earth was I allowed to read it?  I had to go back to sleeping with my closet light on because, as we all know, a closet light will save you from a nuclear bomb. 
This extreme worry was followed by me being convinced that I was going to die from AIDS.  As luck would have it I hadn't had any blood transfusions; nor was I a ten year old sexually active intravenous drug user.  I can still remember my mom sitting at the end of my bed, the room lit up with the soft glow of my closet light reflecting off the innocent pepto-pink walls talking to me about the ways people got AIDS and that I was not at risk. She even brought in a pamphlet. 
This worrying still haunts me today.  I am just able to control it. Kind of. 
I shouldn't be surprised that A1 is a worrier, should I? I should be more understanding.  I should be able to worry with her.  BUT I CAN'T!  Her constant worrying drives me insane!  She worries about whether or not the plastic toys in our house are poisonous (they probably are).  She worries that the toys made in China have lead paint (thanks, Mom). She worries that her ceiling fan will fall on her at night (my guess is that it would miss her and hit A2).  She worries that one day a bad guy will break in a steal stuff (could, but this would be the wrong house to hit).  She worries that we will be late everywhere we go (we are).  She worries that she will get sick after touching buttons in an elevator (but that doesn't stop her or her sister from fighting over who gets to push the elevator buttons).  And the list goes on and on and on and on!
Now that I think about these are all things I have at one time or another worried about.  Actually these are all things MY MOM has worried about... Now I am worried that I am turning into my mom and A1 is turning into me. 
Good luck A1!
And I will always let you sleep with the closet light on without questioning it! 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5 NIV

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