Sunday, January 20, 2013

History Does Repeat Itself

Today A2 had an intense phone conversation with her imaginary BFF Corliuos (I am not really sure how to spell it but this is how it sounds...).  I overheard A2 saying:

"Hey... Why would you say my mom is ugly? No. No she isn't THAT ugly. You really aren't very nice. Why do you think my mom is selfish? She isn't THAT selfish. No you are a jerk. My mom isn't. You really aren't very nice."
She hung up her phone, noticing I was watching and said "Some people are just rude." 
I wasn't sure if I should be offended that she created this story or proud that she defended me to the evil little Corliuos, whom A2 is not allowed to play with for at least one week. This short conversation reminded me of another phone call I overheard a few years ago.  Rewind to November 28, 2010 to my facebook status:

I just finished loudly reminding A1 for the 3rd time to put her toys away. I heard her say into her plastic cell phone, "Sorry about all that yelling Ali, my mom is all over me to put my stuff away. (pause) "yeah I know." Then she laughed. I really want to know what Ali said about me.
It seems that both girls use their phones and their imaginary friends to passive aggressively attack me.  This teen-age preview is a glimpse into my future helping to prepare me for my future of having 3 teenage girls whose names all happen to start with A.
The A team November 2010 

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