Monday, May 27, 2013


This weekend I had a crazy idea thanks to some of my crazy fun mom friends. One of them brought up geocaching and was thinking about taking her family.  I had heard of geocaching but I hadn't really put much thought into it because that is something people with perfect children who have a lot of time to kill living in far off exotic places do on perfect weekend afternoons.  Geocaching would be a fun activity if we were those people but we aren't...

However I couldn't let it go.  I decided to do my own research on the subject.  I watched YouTube videos, looked at the OFFICIAL website, and downloaded the free app.  I discovered there were 13 caches near us most within walking distance, if I wanted to do that...

I decided to try to sell this idea to Mac first.  He gave me his infamous single raised eyebrow "you are crazy" skeptical look.  He tried to act interested and started asking questions which only frustrated me because I really didn't have a clue exactly what it was that we were going to do.  Being the super trooper that he is, he half heartedly agreed.

Next I decided to get A1 on board.  I knew if she went along with it 2 and 3 would follow suit.  I told her we were going to go to the park and use my phone to find buried treasure.  We wouldn't know what we were going to find but it wouldn't be money or gold. It would just be fun to see if we were smart enough to find what someone left behind. I also explained that if we take something from the container we would have to leave something for the next person.  She thought this sounded like an awesome adventure.

We talked about going and then it rained and rained and rained.  Finally there was a break in the rain Sunday afternoon so we took our chance.  We loaded up the girls (yes, we even took a 15 month old with us).  Mac was finishing up some yard work but he planned on joining us as soon as he finished. 

We got to the park.  I forgot the stroller.  I didn't have a baby sling. I prepared for a combo of baby carrying and baby fussing to walk.  We had a long journey ahead, even if our first cache was only .21 mi away.  I let A1 navigate.  She held my phone and told us the path to take.  We took the scenic route.

Excitement built as we made our little blue dot on the app get closer to the little green tear drop on my phone.  It was like we were living a real life video game.  We got close enough to were my phone beeped saying we had arrived and we should find our treasure.  We were surrounded by mud and puddles and more mud.  Our only choice was to get muddy in order to find the mystery medicine bottle. 

Mac met us at this point and questioned the legality of what we were doing.  I shrugged it off.  It has to be fine, I have an app.  We started tromping through brushes and flower beds.  I gave the girls strict instructions not to step on anything and for the most part they didn't step on anything.  We searched and searched but found nothing.  Mac and I decided that because of all the rain and mud we wouldn't be able to find this cache, at least not this time. 

We informed the girls we were abandoning the mission.  We were searching for another one.  This brought complaints from A2.  She was hungry, tired, and didn't want to walk any more. Like a good parent I bribed her with McDonald's.  She had a sudden refreshed interest in finding our next treasure. 

Good news we were only .17 mi away.  I gave directions this time and let A1 carry the phone.  We arrived at the location much quicker this time.  The girls really liked this hunt because they got to climb on a pile of giant rocks.  They felt like really explorers.  I spotted the bottle first and called the girls over to find it.  A1 ran over a followed my directions better than A2 who was more interested in standing on top of a flat rock singing "Freak Flag" (please don't judge.  I promise it is kid friendly!).

With great excitement A1 found the bottle.  It was like finding a golden egg at a giant Easter egg hunt.  We opened the bottle and found a phone number, a beer bottle cap, an eraser, a whistle, and a paper for us to sign.  We unanimously agreed to leave all the contents in the bottle.  We left our signature, The A Team, and dated the paper. 

Our spirits were high.  We triumphed.  We found the great treasure.  We were ready to find the next one.

We should have stopped.  Our next location was ankle deep in a giant puddle.  We left the park after getting a little muddy and wet.  We only found 1 out of 3 caches but we feel that the 2 we didn't find were weather related.  We will find them next time.

The girls we really tired but it was a good happy tired. They took baths in record time.  Ate there dinner without arguing.  A2 even asked for 3rds.  Everyone went to bed with minimal problems. 

This morning A1 woke up and asked when we were going to go on our next hunt.  She loved it and wanted to go again.  My crazy mom idea paid off.  It was a victory.  We will be going geocaching again.  Next time I will remember the baby sling and snacks.  We won't venture out after a torrential downpour.   

Oh and geocaching isn't for people with perfect children who have a lot of time to kill, living in far off exotic places looking for something to do a on perfect weekend afternoon.  Geocaching is for everyone, even people with 4 year olds who choose to sing "Freak Flag."  Although next time I will wait for closer to perfect weather.

A2 full on concert mode.  Complete with dance moves.

A3 was just happy to be outside.

A1 and her great discovery.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sum-sum-summer time

A little over a week and it is SUMMER TIME at our house.  No more getting up at 5:30 to get ready for work before I have to drag A1 out of bed at 6:30, A2 at 6:45, and A3 at 7:00.  No more rushing to get A1 to the bus stop.  No more rushing to get A2 and A3 to the babysitter.  No more rushing to get to work at 8:00 (but not before making an emergency stop at McDonald's!).

In a little over a week Mac and I will be starting out unofficial parenting boot camp.  I often half joke that I do all of my parenting in the summer but that really is the way we do things. We put a band-aide on issues that come up during the school year but once summer hits band-aides come off and we perform surgeries on those problems. 

This year on the parenting docket:

1. Convince A2 that picking her nose IS disgusting and get her to quit.

She is a tougher cookie to crack than A1 so this might be a battle.  With A1 all we had to do was tell her that princesses don't pick their noses and she stopped.  We tried that with A2 and she told us she wanted to be a different kind of princess that does.  I am so glad we raised her to be an independent thinker...

2. Get rid of the bottle

A3 is almost 15 months old and is very dependent on the bottle.  She refuses to drink milk out of a cup.  She will happily drink juice out of a cup with a lid and drink water in a cup without a lid but she won't drink milk.  She gags and throws a fit. It is ridiculous but we have put up with it because we haven't had the time to be consistent.  That changes in a little over a week...

3. Fix bedtime

Bedtime is broken! This is the most dreaded time of day at our house.  We are all tired and the girls won't give up.  We have had some nights that the girls will be in bed for 3 hours before they fall asleep.  We have yelling, screaming, tears, spanking, timeout, grounding, and threats. I have tried bribes and rewards and it won't stick.  We need a better bed time routine.  Every night starts out great; pajama's, brush teeth, potty, read, pray, sleep. Then we go to bad; giggles, talking, singing, playing, WWF WWE, fighting, name calling, tears.  I will be calling on Super Nanny to help me with this one!

4. Losing Training Wheels

A1 is 7 and still has training wheels on her bike.  We planned on teaching her to ride a bike last summer but with a newborn time just got away from us.  We might be able to teach A2 this summer too.  She is a little more adventurous and will probably see it as a way to top A1. 

5. Pick up before bed

This one the entire family will be working on.  I am just as guilty as the girls are about leaving stuff out and putting things off until the morning.  Don't believe me? Have you seen our bedroom? Probably not because no one is allowed up there since it is a danger zone!  On the scale of importance picking up the house ranks dead last.  I would rather do almost anything else.  I am going to work on changing that this summer and I am taking the girls with me... I hope we survive. 

I realize that to an outsider I might sound like a horrible parent but I am just trying to survive.  For the most part the girls are great...We just need the next few months to become better people.  I am blessed to have a career that allows me to take time off in the summer to be with my family, mostly uninterrupted.

These are our 5 major projects for the summer.  I know we will pick up a few minor parenting projects as we go but these will be corrected...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Second Grade Girls

Tonight as I prepared the girls for the week ahead I got a little emotional.  I was a strange mixture of happy, sad, excited and dreadful. I realized with excitement that this was the last Sunday night I had to fill A1's school bag with her daily snacks for first grade. I was happy knowing that even though the family calendar was extra crazy this week, next week was empty. Then I flipped to sadness as I realized my little baby was growing up and there was nothing I could do to stop it.  Shortly there after I jumped over to dread as I realized she was about to be a second grade girl.  I hate second grade girls. 

Second grade girls are mean.  Second grade girls are know-it-alls.  Second grade girls are mouthy.  Second grade girls are opinionated.  Second grade girls care A LOT about what others think of them. Second grade girls choose to spend time with their friends over time with their family. Second grade girls begin to question the existence of things like mermaids and fairies.

Now not all second grade girls are all of these things at all times.  Most float in and out of these second grade tendencies just briefly visiting these hateful qualities, experimenting with the independence they think they deserve.  Second grade is the year they really grow up.  Near the end of second grade they are old enough to audition for Muni (well most of them are...) and are old enough to participate in basketball camp.  Second grade is old.

Ok so maybe I am a little hard on second grade girls.  Maybe I don't exactly HATE second grade girls.  Truthfully I just hate the idea of my little girl growing up. All those negative second grade girl qualities are just a way for these girls to cope as they are growing up and trying to figure out how/where they belong in this crazy world. 

This is My Promise

I vow to do my best to love and even like my second grade girl as we experience the ups and downs of second grade together.  I will try to guide her with patience and understanding as the evil second grade monster consumes her little body.  I will do my best to bite my tongue and count to 10 before I respond when her words sting the innocent and not-so-innocent recipients.  I will try to give her space and allow her to be with her friends, however I will still stress the importance of family time.  I will, because I know I don't have a choice, let her share her opinions and allow her to have a say in what we do, sometimes. I will continue to encourage her love of mermaids, fairies, and unicorns as long as she wants but I will also do my best to take an interest in whatever may come next.   I promise to be the best second grade girl mom I can be. 

I will always remember that love A1 and as for second grade... this too shall pass. 

A1 on her first day of 1st grade

Thursday, May 16, 2013

100 or 33

While I am not the biggest fan of Mother's Day because I am an awkward gift receiver, I still do enjoy getting the school made gifts from the girls. My favorite are the survey types where the girls answer questions about me.  Since A2 goes to the same preschool that A1 attended, I received a Mother's Day gift this year similar to the one I received when A1 was in the three year old class.  I have had several laughs comparing the way the two girls view me.

The girls seem to agree on some things:
 I guess this just proves that no matter how you see yourself your child will think you are pretty...

They both nailed it! This one was kinda easy since I wear A LOT of purple because it is one of our school colors.


 Other things they really didn't agree on...
Things seemed to have improved in the last three years...


They might have different answers but they are both right.

This one I am thankful they got wrong because the truth would have been embarrassing.  Both girls had a wide variety of interesting shows they could have picked.  I am thankful they didn't pick Myrtle Manor, TeenMom, or Vampire Dairies.

It is fun to see yourself through your kids' eyes!  These gifts will be treasured forever and I can't wait until A3 is old enough to make one too!