Sunday, May 19, 2013

Second Grade Girls

Tonight as I prepared the girls for the week ahead I got a little emotional.  I was a strange mixture of happy, sad, excited and dreadful. I realized with excitement that this was the last Sunday night I had to fill A1's school bag with her daily snacks for first grade. I was happy knowing that even though the family calendar was extra crazy this week, next week was empty. Then I flipped to sadness as I realized my little baby was growing up and there was nothing I could do to stop it.  Shortly there after I jumped over to dread as I realized she was about to be a second grade girl.  I hate second grade girls. 

Second grade girls are mean.  Second grade girls are know-it-alls.  Second grade girls are mouthy.  Second grade girls are opinionated.  Second grade girls care A LOT about what others think of them. Second grade girls choose to spend time with their friends over time with their family. Second grade girls begin to question the existence of things like mermaids and fairies.

Now not all second grade girls are all of these things at all times.  Most float in and out of these second grade tendencies just briefly visiting these hateful qualities, experimenting with the independence they think they deserve.  Second grade is the year they really grow up.  Near the end of second grade they are old enough to audition for Muni (well most of them are...) and are old enough to participate in basketball camp.  Second grade is old.

Ok so maybe I am a little hard on second grade girls.  Maybe I don't exactly HATE second grade girls.  Truthfully I just hate the idea of my little girl growing up. All those negative second grade girl qualities are just a way for these girls to cope as they are growing up and trying to figure out how/where they belong in this crazy world. 

This is My Promise

I vow to do my best to love and even like my second grade girl as we experience the ups and downs of second grade together.  I will try to guide her with patience and understanding as the evil second grade monster consumes her little body.  I will do my best to bite my tongue and count to 10 before I respond when her words sting the innocent and not-so-innocent recipients.  I will try to give her space and allow her to be with her friends, however I will still stress the importance of family time.  I will, because I know I don't have a choice, let her share her opinions and allow her to have a say in what we do, sometimes. I will continue to encourage her love of mermaids, fairies, and unicorns as long as she wants but I will also do my best to take an interest in whatever may come next.   I promise to be the best second grade girl mom I can be. 

I will always remember that love A1 and as for second grade... this too shall pass. 

A1 on her first day of 1st grade

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