Friday, March 6, 2015

A3 is 3

I was extra emotional this evening. I hit me hard when I started going through our bedtime routine; A3 was about to be 3. Three seems so old; no longer a baby. Honestly, two really isn't a baby, but it is easier to live in denial and pretend you still have a baby. At two we still had baby talk and the strange language. At two we still had diapers. At two we still slept in a crib. At two we still had a pacifier.

Wait a minute...

Tomorrow A3 will be three waking up in her crib, wearing a diaper, sucking on her pacifier, and yelling some gibberish that only the other A's will understand.  Not much is changing, so why do I have the cry warning pain in my throat? Why do I keep tearing up when I watch A3 play? Why am I am emotional mess tonight?

I didn't have these issues when A1 and A2 turned three.  I didn't sit in the recliner contemplating the passing of time. I didn't get emotional with their aging until they climbed on that big yellow bus and headed to kindergarten. Good gracious, do I need to call my doctor? Is there something seriously wrong? Do I have some strange condition that causes me to have overactive tear ducts?

A friend of mine jokingly said, "Now you have a three year old, where is the new baby?" I realized what the problem was right then. This is the first time a member of the A team turned three without me being distracted by a newborn. A1 celebrated her 3rd birthday by getting A2. A2 celebrated her 3rd birthday by getting A3.  A3 will celebrate her 3rd birthday by getting a new dress.

Now I have a feeling of dread. Will all of A3's milestones, from now on, be depressing, since she has the burden of being the last A team member?  Will I spend the rest of her life being irrationally crabby and moody, crying every time something awesome happens for her? Yes, the answer is yes. I might as well buy stock in Klenex. I am going to be drying these tears often...

Three year old A1 with her birthday present.

Three year old A2 with her birthday present.

Three year old A3 with her cat.

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