Thursday, December 31, 2015

One Last Chance to be Offended in 2015

It seems we, the people of the internet, have found something new to be offended about. I feel like this year we have found more things to be offended about than any other year. We have been offended by cups, (Thanks Starbucks!). We have been offended by models taking pictures in wheelchairs (Thanks Jenner girl, whichever one you are). We have been offended by people reading books during speeches (Yes, I fell victim to this, hard). We have been offended by product placement (Thanks target and your genderless toy section, which I still haven't seen in real life). We have been offended by clothing (Thanks once again, Target, and your Trophy wife shirts). SO MANY THINGS TO BE OFFENDED ABOUT, SO LITTLE TIME!

Here we are on the last day of 2015 with something new to be offended about...

Again we go to the clothes; Old Navy, we the people of the internet are offended by your shirt. Except one thing is different, I am not offended. Don't get me wrong I don't like the shirt, at all, but I am not offended by it. I have decided in 2016, I am not going to be offended. I am not wasting my time on that feeling. I may not like what you say or do, but as long as it isn't an personal attack on me or my family, I am letting it go. I don't have time or energy for those icky feelings that come with being offended. Now, that doesn't mean I won't have an opinion or speak up, it just means, I am not going to let it eat me up or burn inside of me.

Now it is still 2015, so back to those offensive Old Navy shirts;

While I am not actually offended, I do know that I don't like them. I won't buy them and I wouldn't let the girls wear them unless they were painting. I could stop there, but what fun is that? I feel a list coming on...

Why I don't like these shirts

1. Writing; I don't usually buy shirts with writing on it for the girls. Most of the time the message is sassy and the girls don't need any extra sassy.

2. Design; I am afraid the crossing off of a word and then the "rewriting of another word" would only encourage my girls to vandalize my house, not that they need encouragement.

3. Message; Telling people that being an artist isn't good enough and you should aspire to greater things, well that is just unacceptable.
  1. I am married to a guy who has a B.A. in Theater Arts, so O.N. are you saying he isn't good enough?
  2. Most of my friends are very talented artists, so O. N. are you saying they aren't good enough?
  3. My children love the arts, that is where their passions reside, so O. N. are you saying they aren't good enough?
4. Astronauts; what is so great about them anyway? All the astronauts I know always seem so aloof, with their heads in the clouds. (This is totally a joke! I don't mean to offend any of the astronauts that I know. Also a joke, I don't actually know any astronauts.)

5. President; Why in the world would I want my child to be a president? Those people are so stressed and always busy. They have to make major decisions that affect all the people. Plus, my future president child wouldn't be able to show up for family things, like birthdays, Sunday night dinners, and other celebrations, or I would have to invite the secret service and I don't have a house big enough for that. 

I am not offended by these shirts. I don't like them. I am not wasting any more time on these shirts. I have to prepare the karaoke station and the art station for our New Year's Eve party.


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