Sunday, January 3, 2016

Game Changer

I learned numerous lessons in 2015.

The biggest, the game changer...

I don't have to wash my hair everyday. Up until December, I was a daily hair washer, sometimes I would wash it twice a day. I thought the non-daily hair washers were only new moms, angsty teens, and/or homeless people. I was wrong. Non-daily hair washers are normal people, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family. Although, I learned my daily hair washing habits from my mom, so my family might not fall in this non-daily hair washing revolution.

I overheard some of my friends, friends with beautiful hair, talk about their washing habits. One admitted to washing her hair once a week and the other laughed, admitting she couldn't even remember the last time she washed it. WHAT!?! This had to be an anomaly. Surely, most people washed their hair everyday like I did. I started investigating. I asked people; most were not daily hair washers. I did internet research; I found tons of info on why you shouldn't wash your hair everyday.

I started questioning my entire hygienic existence.

I wanted to experiment with a change in my hair grooming habits, but I was scared. I didn't want to have gross, dirty hair. I didn't want to have smelly hair. I didn't want to be an icky person. I kept putting off the trial. I continued to be a daily hair washer, until I was fed up with being attacked by my unruly static infused hair. I couldn't take one more minute of my hair being stuck to my face or standing straight out from my head. I needed to do something. In one of the internet articles I read, I was told over washing hair can contribute to static.

That is it! Time to stop over washing my locks.

December seemed like a logical month to slow down the washing. I knew I wouldn't have to work the entire month because of Christmas break. I knew my co-workers would be extremely busy, so I was hoping they wouldn't notice my hair if it was, in fact, gross. December started on a Tuesday, so during the first week I washed my hair before December started and then again on Wednesday. I was off on Friday, so I didn't feel weird about not washing it again until Sunday. Then I washed it on Tuesday and Friday. The next week it was Sunday and Wednesday. Then we had break... The whole month of December I washed my hair only 6 times. In that month I got a lot of compliments on my hair. WHAT!?!

How could that even be possible? It could be the fact that instead of taking the time to wash and dry my hair everyday, I was taking the time to actually style my hair. I was doing stuff with it. OR, it could be because my hair was happier and possibly healthier?

Whatever the reason, I will continue of this path of non-daily hair washing. At least until someone tells me I am gross.

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