Sunday, April 12, 2020

Genie Bedila

I am starting to think I am starring in a Disney movie. But not an actual Disney movie. More like a C list movie, actually a sitcom with a really bad laugh track and the worst writing ever.
In my movie I have my own personal Genie, like Aladdin. My Genie just happens to be Amelia Bedila's cousin and everything I wish for gets twisted slightly.
In the pilot episode of this terrible show, I made new year's goals... resolutions don't work for me but goals do. My first goal was to use my sewing machine more and my second was to read 30 books by December 31st. I am pretty sure I must have phrased my goals in the form of a wish and my super nosy genie overheard and created some magic.  Genie heard, "I wish to use my sewing machine more." WISH GRANTED! I found myself sewing 32 masks in two weekends. Genie heard, "I wish to 30 books." WISH GRANTED! At the rate I am going I will have read 30 books by the end of May. (I only read 25 during 2019.)  Thanks Genie!
The second episode takes place in early February when I made the realization that the girls and I would have different spring breaks this year. Mac had already taken vacation time so he could be home with them when I was at work so I didn't need to figure out a plan for that week. BUT boy did I brag about my amazing week I was going to have on my spring break alone! I told my mom. She warned me I better stop with the bragging or I would jinx myself and end up with sick kids during my vacation week.  I didn't listen. I bragged. And I bragged. I even told strangers about the quiet week I had planned.
As we got closer to March and I was paying attention to the news, I made a little wish on Genie Bedila (it has been a rough couple of weeks, the rhyming part of my brain has shut down). I wished that I wouldn't have any sick kids home with me during my spring break. (Cue the intense sitcom music) 
Joke is on me. It is spring break. My kids are healthy (PTL!) but they are home with me because the world is sick. Not only did I jinx myself by bragging about my dream week, but I also jinxed the whole world. My genie and I caused the whole pandemic.
In another episode, in the middle of February (what is with that month?) I ordered concert tickets for Annelyse (and me) for her birthday. When I bought them I wished on Genie Bedila for Annelyse to have an empty schedule for the night. I bought the tickets without checking the calendar. I was just hoping she had a night without any practices, classes, rehearsals, or performances. Guess what? Joke is on me. The concert is this week. Annelyse has nothing on her schedule for that night. BUT no one does. Everything is canceled. No practices, no classes, no rehearsals, no performances. Everything is canceled. Even the concert. Thanks Genie!
I am really hoping this show gets canceled by the network before I make the mistake of wishing for a hot lazy summer!

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