Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quarantine Concentration

So I finished a book today. No big deal, I finish books all the time. But it kind of was a big deal. It made me realize something.
I had a hard time focusing while I was reading. That isn't ever an issue for me. I have always been able to block out all the noise when I read. But I just couldn't. I couldn't concentrate. I had to read and reread a lot.
It wasn't really the noise that was getting to me. (Although, hearing the same repeated songs/phrases on TikTok was starting to get to me.) It was the thoughts in my head. I noticed I was jumping from one thought to the next. Nothing linked all a jumbled bunch on tangents bouncing in my head distracting me from my reading.
This book wasn't hard. Normally I would have finished it in a total of 5 hours but it took me a week and 1/2.
All of this made me think about students, my students, all students trying to learn right now. I can't imagine how hard it is for them. I am sure some are doing just fine. Some are even excelling. But I would guess most are not.
A2 had 9 chapters and questions/activities assigned last week. It is not done. She tried. She read the first chapter and has no clue what she read. She has always been one to struggle with reading and concentration but things had improved for her. I haven't had to help her with reading comprehension for a couple of years. Now I am back to reading with her. She just couldn't get the thoughts and the chaos in her mind to stop.
Thankfully she in on spring break this week so we will be able to get caught up. But I worry. If things continue to get assigned at the pace they were, what happens if she gets overwhelmed and shuts down? Then we won't be getting anything accomplished.
We are suffering from quarantine concentration. Maybe once we get used to our new normal things will get easier. But I am not sure about that.

Parents: It is ok if you are struggling to get this figured out. Reach out to a friend or a teacher for assistance.
Teachers: Remember your students have a lot going on! It is ok to slow down your assignments. Also, keep your snarky comments to yourself if students are not doing what you think they should.
Students: Take it one assignment at a time. Take breaks. Breathe.

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