Sunday, March 30, 2014

Heart Skated Away

A1 is in love.  Again.  This time it happened after attending Springfield Figure Skating Club's Spotlight on Ice.  As soon as guest skater, Richard Dornbush, glided across the ice, A1's heart skated away.

I glanced over at her and saw a look of complete awe and admiration. When she caught me looking at her, she smiled and said, "Oh man, is he cute!"

Then he flipped.  A1 let out a squeal and in an instant turned into a teenager.  "Mom, did you see that? He just did a back flip!  He did a flip on the ice! It is ice with concrete underneath! He is so brave!"

Richard wasn't brought up again until the girls started discussing him at dinner.  A1 said to me, "I'm in love, mom.  Did you see how amazing he was?"

A2 didn't miss a beat, "Do you mean that guy in the striped shirt who did a flip?"

A1 replied, "Yea, that is the one. He is so cute."

A2, "I know, right? You can't marry him because I am going to."

A1, "You can't marry him because we already exchanged our marriage words. Plus, he is too old for YOU!" A1 caught my eye at this moment.  She put her hand up to her face to hide her words from A2 and mouthed, "Don't worry Mom, we didn't really get married."  Phew! Thank goodness! I was really worried that you, being 3 years older and wiser than you sister, married a man you have never actually met.

A3 had the final word in the conversation by screaming "STOP, STOP, STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" A1 and A2 ended up giggling and forgetting about the mad of their dreams... for now.  I hope all future debates and disagreements are solved just as fast,but I am not holding my breath.

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