Monday, August 17, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 1 Breakfast

21 Day Fix Day 1 Breakfast #fail. 

This morning we started 21 Day Fix. Yesterday I spent the day meal planning, shopping, and prepping. Of course, that meant time on Pinterest looking for tried and true recipes. I found what looked like a wonderful yogurt parfait recipe. The girls love yogurt and making things so this would be extra special, or so I thought...
Including the cost of the Mason Jars; I spent $18 on this special breakfast treat for 4. The good news; no one, except A3, took more than 1 bite, so it will last a long time. 
A2 described it as, "The most disgusting thing she has ever eaten." She isn't too far off. A1 refused to talk about it. She was convinced it was some kind of punishment. A3 LOVED it, saying, "It is beautiful." 
So my math friends, 75% of us did not like this at all. 

Here is the recipe in case you don't trust us: (In 21 Day Fix Measurements)

1 Purple Fresh or Frozen Berries
1 Red Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Yellow Raw Oats

Layer in a Mason Jar and refrigerate overnight. "Enjoy" in the morning. Question your life choices. Consider eating a bag of kitkats. Cry. Scramble an egg instead. Replace your countertops because the blueberries stained them. Have a nice day. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Weighty Issues

The last two weeks have been rough on me emotionally, and no, it isn't because it is August...

I took A2 to the Dr for her cough. It was at that time her weight was officially pointed out to me.  I wasn't surprised to hear she was overweight. I can see her adorably chubby cheeks and round belly. I see her thick fingers. I know she is carrying more weight than the average 6 year old. I know it bothers her and she compares herself to other kids. I have heard her say she has the biggest belly in our family. I have heard other kids tell her she is fat. I know she is overweight. And yet, I still wasn't prepared for the numbers. The actual numbers that told me without a doubt my baby was struggling. 

The Dr told me not to worry about the numbers. We are doing what we should be doing. Seriously though, how can I not worry when I go home and discover her BMI is in the 99th percentile? I spent the evening with the best frienemy, the internet. I researched "weight loss," "kid's weight loss," "healthy kids," and "talking to kids about weight loss." Luckily, this research session left me feeling better about myself. I was already doing the things I needed to be doing for her; cut back on sweets, exercise, eat healthy foods, drink more water, and limit tv time. I was feeling good about my parenting. I was reminded that even though I hate it, policing the snacks for A2 was important and running with her was great.  I was doing what I should be doing. I was doing good.

Then yesterday my mom-confidence took another hit. A3 went in for her preschool physical. As we were leaving the nurse wanted to point out that her BMI was in the 91st percentile. I was in shock! Looking at A3, I couldn't find an ounce of fat to pinch on that kid. She is by far my tiniest. The nurse did say it was hard to see that A3 could be obese, but I needed to be aware of the numbers. WHAT!?!  She went on to tell me to limit her juice intake; I don't buy juice or koolaid. She wanted me to make sure A3 was active; how much more active could she be? 

I left feeling totally defeated. I was failing my girls. I am the one in charge of the food that comes in to the house. I am the one who prepares all the food. I am the one who caused 2 out of 3 of my kids to be obese. I was really giving myself an emotional beating. It was all too hard for me to understand. I dumped all this on a friend who wisely reminded me of all the positive things I have changed this summer; running with A2, sugar free cereal breakfasts, veggie tray snacks, and giant water jugs. Then I started thinking about all the things we have always done; dance parties, A Team yoga, and cooking healthy food. I felt better, but still felt guilty for ruining my daughters' lives. 

Then a friend posted a Buzzfeed weight loss video to Facebook. Basically what I took from the video is that in order to lose weight you need to exercise and eat right. (I knew all that.) Also, that the BMI might not be a true representation of obesity. According to this video, the BMI was created by someone who didn't even have a medical background. This got me questioning the BMI results for A3. Maybe I am not such a bad mom after all. Perhaps it is just a bad scale.  I guess, until there is a better scale, I will keep doing what I am doing; loving the girls, exercising with them, and feeding them healthy food.

BTW if this is obese, I want to be obese! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015


August 1 means summer panic time. Every year on this day I wake up early and try to go back to sleep thinking about all the things I need to finish in the next two weeks. So much to do.

Find the floor in the girls' room. Figure out what clothes they can still wear. Decide what I still need to buy. Find the time to go to the store.  Decided to just use Amazon instead. Plan stuff for school. Plan for my classroom. Plan for the library. Learn what I am doing in the library. Figure out what I am doing in the library. Get all my paperwork ready. Remember to feed the kids. Lose those 25 lbs I planned to lose at the beginning of summer. Write a novel. Read 20 books. Organize the entire house. Help A2 be a better reader. Help A1 learn to relax. Get rid of the pacifier. Have a garage sale. Watch a new tv series. Clean out the garage. Plant a garden. Learn to knit. Finish a scrapbook. Run three miles without stopping. Live a more simple life. Remember to eat things that aren't from a fast food place. Find time to relax. Get a cleaning routine set up. Get all of the laundry cleaned and put away. Find a calendar or organizer I like and will actually use.  Buy a new dresser for the girls. Buy new blinds. Get a new hair cut. Let the girls pick their own hair styles. Officially decide on a musical. Plan the musical. Take the girls to Knight's action park. Find the money to afford to take the girls to Knight's Action park. Sleep. Make doctor appointments. Reschedule my dentist appointment.

Making lists and writing out my thoughts has always helped calm me. This seemingly endless ramble of things I need to do in two weeks helped me prioritize my anxiety.

I guess some of these I should just give up on now. The time has passed... plant a garden, lose 25lbs, read 20 books, and sleep. Some of these are probably darn near impossible; teach A2 to relax. If it is something I can't do, I don't think it is something I could teach someone else to do. Some of these are so unrealistic, but they make my summer list every year; organize the entire house and clean and put away all the laundry. The items I have left can be put into two categories; things I actually have to do and things I might actually find time to do.

I am not letting today go to waste. I am using my hours of quiet before the A Team wakes up to get things done...
So far I have:
Tossed and turned in bed.
Ate breakfast.
Watched another episode of Outlander.
Browsed on Amazon.
Pinned a few classroom things on Pinterest.
Pinned a few library things on Pinterest.
Wrote the first 81 stupid words for my "novel" that I won't show anyone.
Made a plan for cleaning out the girls' rooms.

I think it might be time to take a break.