Monday, August 17, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 1 Breakfast

21 Day Fix Day 1 Breakfast #fail. 

This morning we started 21 Day Fix. Yesterday I spent the day meal planning, shopping, and prepping. Of course, that meant time on Pinterest looking for tried and true recipes. I found what looked like a wonderful yogurt parfait recipe. The girls love yogurt and making things so this would be extra special, or so I thought...
Including the cost of the Mason Jars; I spent $18 on this special breakfast treat for 4. The good news; no one, except A3, took more than 1 bite, so it will last a long time. 
A2 described it as, "The most disgusting thing she has ever eaten." She isn't too far off. A1 refused to talk about it. She was convinced it was some kind of punishment. A3 LOVED it, saying, "It is beautiful." 
So my math friends, 75% of us did not like this at all. 

Here is the recipe in case you don't trust us: (In 21 Day Fix Measurements)

1 Purple Fresh or Frozen Berries
1 Red Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Yellow Raw Oats

Layer in a Mason Jar and refrigerate overnight. "Enjoy" in the morning. Question your life choices. Consider eating a bag of kitkats. Cry. Scramble an egg instead. Replace your countertops because the blueberries stained them. Have a nice day. 

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