Friday, September 25, 2015

Reading Challenge Book 2

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Last night I finished the 2nd book in my challenge, Counting By 7s. I am still not really sure how I feel about this book. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. Perhaps I jumped into it too soon after I finished See You at Harry's. I think I was still suffering from book hangover.  

I really had trouble getting into this one. I didn't feel a strong connection with Willow. I wasn't really even sure if I liked her, but I knew I didn't hate her. I think this might have been the goal of the author since Willow is such a strange and socially awkward little creature, she didn't want the readers to make a strong bond with her. But I am not sure if that is smart. And I think this author is smart because eventually I did start to take interest in her. After I got past page 95, I even started to care about her.   

In some ways I could relate to her. She always feels like an outsider. She even says, "I don't like to exclude people. (I am the one always being excluded, so I know how that feels.)" I often feel that way. I always go out of my way to make sure I am not leaving anyone out and feel bad when situations come up when someone has to be left out, but on the flip side I am always being excluded. Friends get together for dinner, I don't get the call. Friends get their kids together for play dates, I don't get the call. Friends gossip over lengthy text messages, I don't get the text. Friends plan matching outfits, I don't get the plans. (ok, that one was made up, but you get the idea... I honestly don't think me being excluded is malicious or intentional, it is just something that happens. A lot. Maybe there is something about me that needs fixed? That is for another blog...) But, in a lot of ways I had trouble relating to Willow. She super smart, like Mensa smart. She uses big words that I had to look up. She is obsessed with medical things and even enjoys diagnosing people with their ailments for fun. Not my idea of fun.

The transformation Willow takes on is extraordinary, and for that, it is worth reading. I am torn about the recommended ages for this book. The interest level is 6-9 and the reading level is 5.6, so it would be in libraries for 4th-9th grade students. I don't know that all kids at that age could handle some of the stuff in this book. The thought of losing both parents in a freak car accident and then not having anyone to live with would cause a lot of anxiety for kids not mature enough to handle this emotion. I know I won't be letting A1 reading it anytime soon.  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Summer 2015 Playlist

Since yesterday was the first day of fall and I am not quiet ready to give up summer, I am reminiscing about one of my favorite summer projects; our Summer 2015 playlist. Music is one of my favorite memory stirrers. I love the nostalga I feel when I hear a song and it takes me back to another time and another place. I was hoping with this playlist we could listen to it all school year and no matter how crazy and hectic things get we can be transported back to summer 2015 when things were calm(ish), warm, and relaxed(ish).

Starting in June the girls and I began collecting our favorite songs. We listened to them in the car. We listened to them at home. We listened to them while cleaning. We listened to them while we ran.

On our trek home today A3 and I were jamming out to our playlist. I realized my girls choose to listen to some pretty strange and kick a$$ music.  I am pretty proud of our odd list we assembled.

1. Rummer Has It- Adele: This has been a favorite of ours for years. It started when A2 fell in love with Boomer has It and continued with A3 falling in love with Goomer has It. Every time we got in the car she would scream for Goomer. We would all get in the car and hold our breath hoping that, just once, she would forget to beg for her Goomer. Even with this tune being over played we couldn't leave it off the playlist. Too many tantrums occurred over the summer because of Goomer.

2. Little Things- One Direction: Yes, we went there.  How could a bunch of girls not fall head over heals in love with this sappy song?

3. Merry Happy-Kate Nash: This super fun song is every new piano players dream... A1 believes she will be able to play this song very soon. I think she could too, if she would willingly practice... Also the word "bum" is used when talking about a butt. "Bum" sounds so sophisticated!

4. Uma Thurman- Fall Out Boy: Even though the girls don't have any idea who Uma Thurman is, we still couldn't help but sing and dance anytime this song played. Plus this was one that even Mac liked.

5. The Show-Lenka:  I don't have any idea where she found this song, but it is A2's favorite. Even though she changed the lyrics to suit her life situation. "I'm just a little bit caught in the middle." easily became "I'm just a little girl caught in the middle." "I want my money back" quickly became a message to A3 in "I want my mommy back." A2 really felt like this song was written just for her. Plus it is a fun song.

6. Everything at Once-Lenka: Again, I don't have any idea where she found this song, but it is A1's favorite. She really likes the way it motivates her to choreograph her own creative dances. Plus it is an English teacher's dream when teaching similes...

7. Piano Song- Meiko: We love Meiko.

8. Fight Song- Rachel Platten: I had dreams of using this song as my 80's movie song. I imagined showing up during one of the many blow ups fights arguments strong discussions between the girls and blast the chorus, "This is my fight song." I know the fighting would end at that very moment. I am certain the girls would have ended up joining hands, spinning in a circle, and sang the power lyrics in unison... Hey, a mom can dream, right?

9. Ramalama-Roisin Murphy: Holy Onomatopoeia, Batman! This onomatopoeia filled song was introduced to us by our honorary A Team member, Andrew. I dare you to listen to this song and not dance. It isn't possible. Plus onomatopoeia!

10. Rotten to the Core- Descendants: Title says it all.

11. Evil Like Me-Descendants: Song about an evil mother daughter duo + Kristin Chenoweth sings it, do I really need to say more?

12. Just Give Me a Reason- Pink: I felt like it was important for the girls to know and love Pink. That is all.

13. Cheerleader-Omi: Fun song. No other reason needed.

14. Go Big or Go Home-American Authors: Anytime this came on the radio we would all end up singing along and wish the song would last longer. Now it can...

15. Party in the USA-Miley Cyrus: Miley and I have had a love hate relationship.  I can't say I really like the current Miley. The girls don't like her either. They think she is disgusting.  They are right.  I used this fun, clean Miley song as a lesson; drugs are bad, good people make dumb choices and become icky, stay off wrecking balls, and keep your tongues in your mouths.

16. King of New York-Newsies: Honestly, did you think we wouldn't have a show tune of some sort?

17. Restless Heart- Matt Hires: The entire A Team, including their manager, loved to turn this one up really loud, scream sing and jump dance. SO MUCH FUN!

18. My Little Love- The Weepies: When A2 first heard this song, she thought it would be the perfect song for me to sing to her every night before bed. So sweet. Now we all sing it all the time, not just at bed time. Love this sweet song and my sweet girl for loving it too.

I can't wait to make another playlist next year. Perhaps this will become a "thing" like the Now That's What I Call Music cds.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Next Big Challenge

Now that I have added middle school librarian to my job title, which I am not complaining about because it is every book nerd's dream to spend time in a library and get paid!, I have given myself a new challenge. I plan on reading every book nominated for the 2016 Rebecca Caudill Award by the end of February.

This by far is my favorite challenge I have ever issued myself.  What in the world could be better than curling up and spending quiet evenings with award worthy books? I can't think of anything better, Brach's Malted Eggs- the original recipe comes close. 

There are 20 books on the list. The interest levels range from 4th-8th grade, while the reading levels range from 3rd to 8th grade. This shouldn't be too hard.  I have already finished one of the books and I am starting the second tonight.

See You at Harry's was the first book of my challenge. I started this book while waiting for A1 at piano lessons. I read the entire time she was inside. I was hooked. I rushed home, got the other girls ready for bed, and put them to bed early, so I could continue to get lost in Fern's life. I read the entire 310 pages in about 4, slightly interrupted, hours. It was such an emotionally gut wrenching book I didn't want to put it down, because I knew I would need closure. Honestly, I am surprised I wasn't dehydrated the next day! I started choking back tears, and eventually losing, about a third of the way through and didn't stop until well after I went to bed. It was especially tough being the mother of a 3 year old! 

There are so many neat touches in this book.  
  1. The characters are all named after other well known favorite book characters. 
  2. There are lists in this book.  I love lists! 
  3. The first line, "The very best day of my life, I threw up four times and had a fever of 103 degrees." caused my sarcastic heart to flutter.  
  4. Knowles writes about fantastic friendships and complicated family relationships.
  5. It felt so real.

I am not sure, if I could recommend this to 5th graders though. There are some pretty heavy things dealt with and I know I wouldn't want A1 reading it right now. She would be needing to talk about this book every day/night for years. BUT I would recommend it to anyone 7th grade and up, especially all the parents out there, so many things to think about after page 310! 

*** Good news I just checked, this book is a 7th-8th grade interest level. I don't have to worry about the judgement of those who nominated this book! yet.

If you want to join me on this challenge, click on 2016 Rebecca Caudill Award book nominations to find the list. I hope some of you will read these books, because I LOVE talking about books!

*** More good news, Barnes and Noble has the fist 176 pages as a free sample! Go start it NOW!