Saturday, November 14, 2015


"Your opinion is fine as long as it is the same as mine" was the message I got loud and clear this week after I posted a blog I wrote sharing my feelings about politics and the actions of someone who is now dubbed a hero.  I simply said I didn't agree with what she did and didn't think she should be held in such high regard. After that post I received a lot of feed back, some positive, but the ones that really stuck with me were the negative ones.  I was called a racist, a bigot, and, my favorite, a Trump-ete. These were all said by people who were my "friends" on facebook. People who I actually know, since I only "friend" people I have met in real life. If I said I wasn't hurt by these comments, I would be lying. The intent of the blog was to remind people that we need to be nice to each other even when we disagree. I got the opposite reaction.

Most of the messages and texts, yes people felt the need to attack on an even more personal level, were deleted. The jerks have been deleted from my friend list, real and virtual.  However; I can't delete the messages from my mind. I can't really find the words to describe the hurt I felt. Anyone who knows me, really knows me, know none of these awful words describe me. I know that, and I don't feel like I need to defend myself, but I need to express my hurt before it eats me up and consumes any more of my life.

I had many internal debates as to where I go from here. My first response was to cry in my pillow and live the rest of my life as a hermit. Actually, that is my first response for most things. I decided that wasn't going to do anyone any good. I thought about deleting Facebook and stopping the blog, but those are my emotional outlets, I would only have McDoanald's to keep me company. I thought about taking screen shots of all the hate I received and calling out all the people who were so cruel to me. Two wrongs don't make a right, so I deleted everything before I was stupid. 

My decision was to keep being me. I am taking a mini facebreak, as I hear the youngins call it. I will still be on Facebook, but only on the computer. It is coming off the phone. I am sure it will be hard at first, but it will be good for me.  I am also working on not letting other's opinions mean so much. Just because they say their opinion louder than mine, doesn't make them more right.  I am entitled to an opinion, just as they are. I am going to keep being me, honest, kind, caring, and passionate me. (Also, I will still keep being the me that is moody, grumpy, and stubborn.)

I will NOT be voting for Trump. I think he is mean, and that is one thing I will not support. (but if you knew me, you already knew that)

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