Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Politics: my two cents

My two cents.

Let me preface this by saying that I hate politics. Anytime I am around a political discussion, even if I agree with what is being said, I get awful knots in my stomach. Anyone who knows Mac, now understands why I rely on my essential oils for upset stomachs. As much as I hate politics, he loves politics. He loves the debate and discussion. Even typing this right now, I feel hives decorating my arms. UGH, I really don't like politics.

Actually it might not be the politics I don't like, it is the meanness and hatred that politics brings out in people. It seems like anytime we get close to a big campaign year, people forget everything they learned in kindergarten. They forget how to be nice and respectful of others. They forget that we shouldn't call names and make fun of people. We make fun of the way candidates dress, style their hair, and talk. We make fun of flubs and mistakes candidates say. Thank goodness, I don't have people following me around reporting on all the crazy misuses of words during the day!  We make fun of the candidates for having different ideas and ways of doing things. Not only do we make fun of the candidates, but we also make fun of each other. We praise the bullies.

Tonight I was browsing Facebook, looking for a break from writing and cashing in on my reward for making my 1,000 word goal. I allowed myself a 5 minute social media break. I wanted to see pictures of my friends' kids, posts about my friends' day, and a joke or two. Instead what I saw really made me mad, like I am talking furious. It almost made me want to start deleting friends. I had to stop to talk it out with Mac, because I just couldn't let it go, like my rational mind told me too. Mac, of course, encouraged me to be angry. Anger is more of his thing than mine. 

As I was scrolling FB, I noticed several of my friends posting viral videos from Trump visiting Springfield last night. It seems that a young lady who is friends with many of my friends attended the Trump campaign stop with the intend of being a jerk. She sat directly behind him and held up a book while he talked. This has apparently gone viral. I will not post a link, because even my writing about it is giving it more attention than what it is worth. 

Here are my thoughts:

1. If you don't like him, fine with me. Just don't be rude.

2. This event was sold out, I guess, the tickets were free, but they were all gone, so it is probably still called sold out. and you took a ticket to go to something you really didn't want to go to. You took a ticket from someone who would have enjoyed going.

3. The intent for doing this is hateful.

4. My friends who are praising this young lady, I now question your judgement.

5. We now have to spend time in school teaching students how to be "good audience members." I thought it was silly, until I saw this. It is apparent something went wrong somewhere and now we think this behavior is acceptable.

I won't ever understand people who are mean just for the sake of being mean or people who "worship" this type of behavior. This is nothing more than being a bully on a large scale. I wished I lived in a time where we supported each other. A time where we could accept differences. Love each other for being ourselves. I will continue to teach my girls right from wrong; not to be mean just to be mean, not to be rude for a laugh, and not to be hateful towards people different ideas.

I can't handle the bully mentality, even if you are bullying people you don't know, you are still being a bully. I may have to take a long break from social media. I don't think there are enough essential oils to get me through this election cycle.

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