Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sad Keto Mess

It is no secret to anyone who has talked to me since Monday; I have joined the millions of Americans (I totally made up this statistic, but it felt right.) who started Keto after New Year's Day. Right now I am in that obsessed-always-talking-about-it phase. I whine about the lack of chicken nuggets and candy bars in my life. I overshare my daily food intake and recipes. I drool over friend's mashed potatoes. I am a sad keto mess. BUT I haven't cheated since I started on Monday. #winnning #whinning

During one of my daily morning phone calls with my mom, she asked me why I am doing this. She wanted to know what the goal weight was. I told her that it was no longer cool to set your healthy lifestyle goals based on a number. (And we all know I am super cool and up to date on all the cool things) She wasn't impressed and wanted to know what my goal weight was... I refused to answer, mostly because that was my morning mood that day, but also because I don't want to get overwhelmed with that. My goal is to do Keto, without cheating, for 30 days. (That is one of those SMART goals I have been teaching my students to write. I am following my own instructions!) 

Why am I doing this??
I know everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats right now to read my why list. Here ya' go!

  1. I want to bend over and not have to tuck in my stomach.
  2. I want to be able to tie my shoes without hold my breath. (from bending over, not stinky feet.)
  3. I want to be able to yell at my girls without getting winded.
  4. I want to be able to fit more comfortably in my leggings. (They are starting to cut off my circulation.)
  5. I want to take control of my eating habits now before a doctor tells me I need to.
  6. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. 
  7. I want to look 1 month pregnant and not 5 months pregnant. (Please read this carefully, I am not pregnant. I don't plan on being pregnant, again, ever. Don't start any rumors.)
  8. I want to fit more comfortably in a student desk. (Sometimes I just need to...)
  9. I want to be able to wear my recently found engagement ring again. (Even though Mac bought me a new set of rings that I absolutely love. It would still be nice to fit that tiny ring back on my finger.)
  10. I want to stop avoiding social situations because of the negative feelings I have about myself. (It seriously has been a struggle the last few months.)
  11. I want to make sure I am around for a long time to annoy the girls. 

I don't think I will ever stop mourning my loss of chicken nuggets, but I know I can do this. I have so many people cheering me on. I just hope I don't annoy those people to the point that they start throwing nuggets at me as I walk by. 

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