Thursday, April 18, 2013

Delightfully Different

No matter how many times I am faced with the differences between the girls I am always a little surprised and somewhat amazed at a new discovery.  The differences can be simple like the things they choose to eat; A1 hates goldfish crackers, A2 and A3 love them, A2 and A3 love hummus and A1 HATES it, A1 and A3 LOVE oatmeal and A2 detests it!  The differences can be more complex things that only those who spend a lot of time with the girls would know for example, A1 enjoys having her back scratched, while A2 prefers having her stomach scratched, and yet A3 likes to have her head rubbed. I promise I am talking about humans and not dogs!

Tonight's discovery/reminder made me laugh and scared me at the same time. 

A1 had just fessed up to kissing a boy under the picnic table at school.  She was super serious, with big eyes and slightly red cheeks, as she told me the details of this very special kiss on the cheek she received at the beginning of the school year from another first grader.  She ended story by admitting that she returned the favor by kissing this boy on the cheek as well.

 I put on my best serious face as I explained the hazards of boy kissing.  I started by appealing to her germ-a-phobic side.  I told her she could catch horrible illnesses by kissing boys. Nothing. Then I went on to tell her that she could get kicked out of school for kissing at school.  Nailed it!  She began a strange mixture of whimpering/crying and hyperventilating, shallow, rapid, breathing.  She was totally panicked.  It had never occurred to her that as a punishment she could get kicked out of school.  She started to question me.  I reassured that being kicked out of school is an absolutely reasonable punishment for kissing. 

About this time A2 joined in on the conversation.  Her eyes lit up.  Her face beamed with joy.  She exclaimed to A1, "If you don't have school then you won't have homework, PARTY!" Here is were I started to get nervous... what 4 year old thinks getting kicked out of school would be a fun punishment in order to avoid homework? This just dug at A1 more.  She argued that it would be the worst punishment because they would have to be home schooled and since mommy is already a teacher she would be really mean.  Tears started at this time.  A2 was beginning to dance a little. 

A1 yelled in between sobs in a strange high pitched voice to A2, "No, that would be awful.  They would take learning away.  We wouldn't be able to learn really cool stuff. Mommy wouldn't let us have chicks. We would be idiots for the rest of our lives." I began to feel slightly insulted and proud at the same time.  A2 lost interest in this conversation.  She shrugged her shoulders, contorted her face, as only A2 can, and she left the room.

How can I be raising a scholar and a party-girl?What does A3's future hold? I pray that their difference continue to amaze and entertain me!

Oh and please don't tell Mac about the kissing, I promised A1 I wouldn't tell him...

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