Thursday, May 21, 2015


I haven't been nice since April.

May = Mean Month!

The pressure of everything is getting to me; including the pressure from all the weather changes.

May = Migraines!

I am stressed. I am exhausted. I am overwhelmed. I am trying to do too much and failing, a lot of failing. 
I feel like we are all going in different directions. We haven't sat down for a normal family meal in weeks. We haven't had regular bedtimes in weeks. We haven't kept up with our normal chore routines in weeks. 

I am drowning in survival mode. I rush through the day, trying to keep track of all the schedules, stay a step ahead of the chaos. The girls are going to bed at the same time as me. I am not getting anything done. I get up early to try to clean; A3 gets up early to try to entertain me. I am not getting anything done. 

Our schedule is crazy and it isn't slowing down anytime soon. Something needs to give. I can't keep doing what I am doing.  Thank goodness Joyful June is right around the corner and something will give...


No more teacher mommy, just plain mommy.

No more homework!

No more fighting over wearing clothes. A2, I am talking to you!

No more homework!

No more strict bedtimes! Just the not as strict, "You need to go to bed for your own good" bedtimes

No more homework!

No more school lunch arguments No, A1, a jelly sandwich is not a healthy choice.

No more homework!

No more rushing after work to get to after school activities.

No Mean Month of May

June is coming! June is coming! June is coming! There will be happiness again... 

until the arguing starts.

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