Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Honorary A Team Member

I love trying new things and being the center of attention.

NOPE! That is a lie. I actually detest both of those things.  I am perfectly happy sticking to my same routine and sitting on the side lines.  And that is OK.

A lot of my friends really do LOVE trying new things and being the center of attention. And that is OK.

Sometimes when our worlds collide my friends can actually get me to try new things and be a part of a shared center of attention. Sometimes I even don't hate it.  Sometimes I would go as far as saying I enjoy it. Sometimes.

Andrew, our honorary A Team member, is one of those friends who loves trying new things and also doesn't mind being the center of attention. :) He is one of those friends who can get me to step out of my comfort zone and get me to try new things.  He can even get me to do things that pull me off the side lines.  A few summers ago he got me to try a dance class (Lessons from Dance Class). Andrew is one of the few people who can get me out on the dance floor without having had several glasses of cranberry juice... Andrew is just fun!

Actually, Andrew isn't just fun. He is also awesome. He is kind and happy.  He loves life.

A while ago, I got a text from Andrew.  I was about to be placed outside of my comfort zone in a major way...
He asked me to be his prom court date for Adult Prom. My initial reaction, after swallowing my vomit, was to say no, run away, lock my door, and hide under the covers. This would require me to wear a dress, makeup, and probably heals on stage, in front of a crowd. Even if we didn't win, I would have to be announced to the crowd and stand in front of EVERYONE. #notmything I started to break out in hives. I planned on telling him no. I talked to Mac and he didn't think it was a bad idea. Thanks for having my back. I went against my better judgement and told him I would do it.

Then my unrealistic anxiety kicked in...

I knew I was being set up. This had to be a joke. My friends, or the people I thought were my friends, got together, without me knowing, and plotted my demise.  They decided as a joke they would get me on prom court, make me think I had a chance at getting queen, and then BOOM, in front of the whole crowd they would reveal it was all a humorous prank... I have seen all the teen movies of the 90's. I know this happens.

Pull it together, Carrie, this won't happen.

Then it dawned on me. My parents were also in on this... They named me Carrie for a reason. I know what happens to Carrie's at prom. Thanks mom and dad for naming me after a Stephen King movie, not that that was the reason they named me Carrie, but still... They named me Carrie a few years after THAT movie came out.

Andrew assured me this wasn't the plot of a 90's teen drama or a horror flick. He just wanted to be prom royalty and for some reason thought I would be a good addition to his team.

Since he is a great person and impossible to say no to, I agreed.

Now, to make him king...

I need help. The couple who raises the most money for Springfield Area Arts Council, SAAC, wins.  The SAAC is a great organization that supports and promotes all art forms.  (They are the ones who put on First Night.)

Rumor has it, Andrew and I are behind, way behind.  We really need donations. If you would like to donate, you can go to and click on our picture. You won't regret it... I might. Still keeping my fingers crossed there won't be any blood involved. 

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