Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How Well Does A2 Know Me?

I was feeling adventurous so I asked A2 a few questions about me. She got a little silly and tried to entertain me with her answers (10 and 11). I hope they make you smile:

1. What is something mom always says to you?  Go to bed.
2. What makes mom happy? Me, because I am silly.
3. What makes mom sad? When she doesn't get a good nap.
4. How does mom do to make you laugh? Calls me Addie Poo
5. What was mom like as a child? Respectful
6. How old is mom? 54, no you're not 54. You are 14.
7. How tall is mom? 100 ft tall
8. What is her favorite thing to do? Yell at me.
9. What does mom do when you're not around? Eat chocolate and act coo-coo.
10. If your mom becomes famous what will it be for? Waving her underwear around
11. What is your mom really good at? Pooping and telling me to go to my room.
12. What is your mom not really good at? Spanking my bottom, because it doesn't hurt.
13. What does your mom do for a job? Being like a teacher, not a substitute teacher, but a normal one.
14. What is your moms favorite food? Jelly and scrambled eggs
15. What makes you proud of your mom? when she wins prom, even though she didn't win
16. If mom was a character who would she be? Elsa
17. What do you and mom do together? Girls' night out
18. How are you and mom the same? We have the same kind of body. Mom, why are you laughing?
19. How are you and mom different? You have a different hairstyles
20. How do you know mom loves you? Because I am the middle child
21. What does mom like most about Dad? That she can kiss him
22. Where is moms favorite place to go? Burger King
23. How old was mom when you were born? 100 years old

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