Monday, June 1, 2015


I have spent my night rushing, and not the fun sorority kind. I rushed home after work. I rushed the girls home from friends' houses, so they can rush through their chores. Then I rushed the girls to get them to start and finish cards for their teachers.

Then I watched Mac rush out the door. Muni calls. 

Dinner rush. I rush to decide what we are going to eat, all the planned meals are out of my head. I am in too big of a rush to even remember my plan.  I rush to throw a turkey sandwich, cottage cheese, a pear, and broccoli on three plates. I rush to pour 3 glasses of water.  I spill 2 glasses of water. I rush a little slower to refill 2 glasses of water. I rush to find the girls. They rush down the stairs, which they have renamed "boom booms" because now would be the perfect time to invent a new language. 

A1 and A2 rush through their meal, finishing every bite. A3 doesn't appreciate the rush, so she rushes on her own terms, to the bathroom where we are practicing potty avoidance (she uses the "I have to go potty excuse to get out of anything she doesn't want to do...) A1 and A2 rush off up the boom booms to cause some type of destruction. A3 rushes to her favorite activity; temper tantruming. I rush in to help the situation, only making it worse.  I am yelling. She is crying. The other two rush back down the boom booms to see what is going on. No rush to finish the temper tantrum, so, logically, I rush to join her. 

I make A1 rush to find a brush so I can get her ready for rehearsal. I rush to brush her extra tangled hair. She rushes to explain it is because they had popsicles.  I am in too big of the rush to question that one.  I rush everyone out the door. A3 is in a rush to put a halt to my plan. She rushes into another temper tantrum. Finally she stops and I rush outside to find A1 on top of the car. I rush to lecture her and notice the nearly naked neighbor next door laughing at me.  I am in too big of a rush to care. I scream/lecture the girls as we rush down the street. 

A1 is going to be late. I rushed the girls out of the house, but we still managed to be out the door 10 minutes after  our  my planned departure. I rush around down town trying to find a parking spot. I am certainly not going to pay to park so I can just drop off a kid, no matter how much of a rush I am in. I rush around the block, ignoring flying tennis rackets and books coming from the sweet angles behind me. That is a total lie, I did not ignore them at all. I rush to pull into a spot a block away. I rush to unload the girls. We rush to get in the building. We are 2 minutes late and the time keeps rushing by... I pause my rush to greet and hug one of my favorite people in the whole wide world (shout out to ZZ!) 

I resume the rush. We rush past the elevators, because taking the stairs boom booms with the A team would be much faster. We rush up the boom booms. Top of the first flight, A1 trips because she rushed out the door wearing her old flip flops. She rushes to be dramatic and completely sprawls out across the entire floor. The rest of the A Team rushes to join her and pretend to fall down. Fantastic! I rush them along. We get to the top of the next 1/2 floor, of course the A Team would be running through a building with 1/2 floors, WHY ME?! and A2 rushes to be the next to stumble. Luckily, she rushed to catch herself and didn't fall all the way down. Most of us rush and make it to the top of the actual next floor. A3 rushes to fall. This time blood rushes to her teeny-tiny cut. Next a loud scream rushes out of A3's mouth. I rush in a swoop her up. 

A1 is now 7 minutes late. Sweat rushes to my brow. I rush to the conclusion that I might be having a hot flash. We rush down the hall. We rush to the door. We rush into the theater. We only see 4 people, that is weird. We rush in. I rush to double check my phone.


In the rush I didn't pay attention to the start time. We are 20 minutes early...  I need to slow down.

I am exhausted. I am ready to rush off to bed now. 

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