Friday, June 19, 2015

Poor Middle Child

Last night A2 tearfully told me she was ready to go back to school, because this has been the worst summer ever. She said she was bored because she wasn't allowed to ever do anything.  My initial reaction was to blow it off. She was just being dramatic. I then tried to guilt her into thinking she was having a fun summer.  I told her she was having a great summer.  I reminded her she was in a fun camp last week. I compared her to A3 and pointed out that she is the one who hasn't done anything. A2 didn't care. She was upset and I was ruining her summer, and quite possibly, her life.

I couldn't let it go, even after she seemed to have gotten over it. The truth is, no matter how I wonderful I thought her summer was going she thought it was blah. And really, the more I thought about it, she was actually right her summer wasn't that great. All it has really consisted of so far is get in the car, buckle up, drop off A1, get out of car, eat lunch, get back in the car, buckle up, pick up A1, get out of the car, argue with A1, eat dinner, get in the car, buckle up, drop off A1, get out of the car, go to bed; oh and rain, so much rain. Poor kid has spent most of her summer in and out of the car. Her whole summer has been centered around A1's schedule and it was really starting to wear on A2. Poor middle child.

I decided I needed to do something to change her horrible summer. Tonight became A2 night. We did all things A2. I thought like A2 and we went with it. After dropping off A1 at rehearsal we went to the grocery store. I told her she could pick out anything she wanted; she picked out bananas. Then we went to rent a movie. This whole renting movies concept blew her mind. Too many choices and not enough choices all at the same time. She rented Annie. Totally appropriate, since she has had such a Hard Knock Life... Next we went to McDonald's. It seemed like a great night for Happy Meals, plus A1 has been treated to some type of McDonald's every night after rehearsal and it has become and issue between the girls. Thanks Nana. 

As we were leaving McDonald's, music from the bar next door filled our car. I decided to think like A2. I pulled into a spot closest to the bar, but still in McDonald's parking lot, rolled down the windows and had a car picnic. The girls giggled and ate every bite of their food. They both car danced while the cool breeze blew through the car.  A2 described what each of the singers looked like based on the picture in her head. She was having a great time. She even said it was the best night ever.

I win, she wins. #Bestnightever, until she gets mad and tells me her life is horrible.

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