Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Parenting Judge-offs

Tonight I got caught up in one of those Facebook Parenting Judge-offs. You know, the ones that are often started when the well intended "I-would-never-do-(fill in the blank)-when-I-am-a-parent" comment bomb is dropped. I know better. I should have jumped out of the way. I didn't.

My ego took a direct hit by flying judgmental shrapnel tonight. I jumped in to the war. I tried to explain the other side. Why a parent might actually do what was being judged. I put my heart out there. I even gave a real life example of when I was guilty of committing the parenting offense. A few other parents agreed with my reasoning. They even added their own examples.

Then out of nowhere the critics paratroop into the conversation. "A good parent would never...", "It is ridiculous to think any good parent would ever...", "You have no business...", and "It is totally absurd for a parent..." bullets were fired with direct hits on the target. I was enraged. I was in full combat mode. These renegade Facebook warriors, who I didn't even know, sucked me into a fierce Parenting Judge-off.

I was ready to lash out. I wanted to name call. I was fully prepared to have a full-fledged internet temper tantrum. I had side conversations with my war strategy planning committee. We laughed at all the terrible things we would never say about these people we never met.

After facebook stalking these strangers, I was able to see the bigger picture. Being upset over this simply isn't worth it! These people are not worth it! The ability to see another person's perspective is a cognitive skill that many people haven't developed. It is one that takes practice and the desire to learn. Not everyone wants to learn to see other opinions. And that is ok. I don't have to choose to interact with someone so clouded with judgement.

I did what any sensible person would do. I deleted my comment, blogged about it and moved on. I am a good parent. I love my kids. I am doing what I think is best for my kids. I will make mistakes. I will learn from the mistakes. I will be a better parent because of my mistakes. I don't need to win a Facebook Parenting Judge-off to prove I am a good parent.  

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