Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Write my Worries

To say I'm overwhelmed by the response to yesterday's post, is an understatement (and also a cliché, but it fits so I'm going with it!) I write for me. I enjoy the clear head I get once my worries are typed. I love the adrenaline I get when I push publish, not knowing if anyone actually reads it or not. Honestly, I don't care if anyone reads it. Sometimes I have the courage to push publish because I assume my mom is the only one who will read the post. "Hi mom!" I also kind of selfishly get a thrill that maybe what I wrote makes someone feel something that day; hopefully happy, but I unexpectedly have had a few people respond that my blogs have made them cry. Sorry!

Yesterday I had to write to get the worries  out. I needed to put my thoughts in print so they would stop bouncing around in my head. And my goodness did it work! Last night I had the best sleep! I fell asleep before 10:00 and stayed asleep until A1's alarm clock went off 30 minutes before mine... We can talk about that later... I woke up rested, not groggy or even needing caffeine. It was a miracle! I didn't even think about my doctor's appointment until the girls asked me if I was going to be cut open today. Ugh... Nope. Not at all. Note to self: explain to the girls what is going on. 

I'm a very private person. I know, weird. A lady with a blog is a private person. But I really don't like to share about me. I will share about the A Team all day, or until they ask me to stop. Writing yesterday and sharing what is going on with me was freeing in a way. I usually worry about making other people worry. I didn't share with many people because I didn't need them to worry when I didn't even know what I was worrying about. I would rather be the one doing the worrying. I'm really good at it. It is my talent. 

I had so many people reach out, offer support, help, and encouragement. It felt great to know so many people where out there. The first few people who reached out made me cry. I was impressed, I couldn't believe they wanted to share the worry. They were there for me. Then as the night went on I was in shock. I couldn't believe the number of people who reached out. I could really feel the love. 

Thank you to all my friends for sharing the worry, for reassuring me, for offering to take on the A Team. I even had an offer to help with laundry... Too bad my laundry is all done, but sitting in baskets waiting to be out away. I really have the best friends, know the best people, and run in the best crowd. I will continue to write my worries, because I love sleep. 

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