Monday, June 19, 2017

Melancholy Monday

The entire A Team (and their mangers) are all suffering from a severe case of "Post Show Funk" on this melancholy Monday.

Anyone new to theatre or who hasn't ever had the opportunity to be a part of a live theatre production: these are the totally and completely normal feelings one endures upon the close of a show. The Post Show Funk, PSF, reactions will vary depending on level of show involvement, emotional maturity, emotional involvement, age, and amount of sleep one has had in the previous 3 weeks.

Examples of PSF:

A1: Instead of breaking out in spontaneous songs or tap dances, she is breaking out in bursts of tears. Sobbing has become her new form of communication. I am not going to lie, I do kind of prefer it to her usual communication via grunts, sighs, and eye rolls. She has described herself as "feeling empty inside." She is currently filling that emptiness with stale potato chips and reruns of Disney shows. Based on past PSF, I know she will soon start texting, snapchatting, and messaging cast members. Sorry.

A2: She is currently avoiding her feelings. She woke up, walked downstairs, looked at the pile of Muni memorabilia, cried, and then promptly returned to bed. That was 2 hours ago. This morning, (3AM) before she went to bed, she let us all know she wouldn't ever do another show again, because it just hurts TOO much to say goodbye to all of her best friends.

A3: This Verruca Salt wanna-be, has a one way ticket to Warren Behavior Bootcamp. Ok, so maybe her parents might actually be the ones who need the bootcamp... She has spent the last three weeks getting little sleep and dealing with distracted parents. She has been handed anything/everything she wants to keep her quiet and happy-ish. She has heard how cute, funny, smart, etc. she is no matter how mean/evil she was acting. She was doted on by cast, crew, parents, and staff. She felt like the center of the world. Now it is back to reality, where has always been treated like the center of the universe.

Mac: TBD. He is at work today and is unable to report in on his PSF.

Carrie: I am a mixed bag of emotions. I will spend the day looking through pictures, planning scrapbooks that won't ever happen, and eating all the foods. I am sad that my girls are sad. I am nervous because I am now the summer entertainment. The first few weeks were easy because they were hanging out with 60+ of their best friends or sleeping all day. Now it is all me, without my new Muni mom best friends supporting me. I am excited to start the summer projects I have planned. I am also tired, but that is my normal state of being...

How I beat PSF

1. Ice Cream
2. Brownies
3. Brownie/Ice Cream Combo
4. Make plans to meet up with cast members at some point in the next week.
5. Pizza
6. Buy new socks
7. Challenge/bet other parents.

  • Make a betting pool
  • See whose kid cries the most
  • Bet on the number of times your kid will cry
  • Bet on the number of times your kid will fall asleep while you are talking to them
  • Bet on the number of times your kid calls you mean because you simply walked in the room
  • Put money on it, or babysitting time
8. Sign your kids up for an activity and then miss the first day because everyone is too tired. 
9. Look out the window, comment on the beauty of the outdoors, but don't go out because you are on a nature detox. 
10. Talk about the next show

As the week goes on the PSF will wear off. Life will return to normal. There will be other shows. There will be more PSF. AND there will be more brownie/ice cream combos!

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