Monday, June 5, 2017

Tech Week Advice

It's tech week!!

What exactly does that mean??

It means,


Wait, no it doesn't!

It just means it is the week before the show. It is time to add all the pieces together and make the show complete; sound, lights, orchestra, costumes, makeup, etc. It also could mean longer hours rehearsing which means late(r) nights.

We are currently working on a show with several newbies, so I thought it would be helpful to make a tech week survival list. I am by no means a theatre expert, but I am an expert at just surviving. This is my third year surviving tech week as a stage mom and my umpteenth time surviving tech week as a stage wife. Even though I am not an expert, I come with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

1. Hydrate: this is no joke, especially when the temps are above 90*. It is roasty toasty outside! I am sure parents have been pushing fluids on their children, since the director and the staff have been suggesting this for weeks, but moms and dads need to stay hydrated too! I promise it will make your life better! I learned a few weeks ago, my liquid intake of diet soda and iced tea was not cutting it. Now I have heart palpitations, dry skin, peeling lips, and a bad attitude. All of this because of no water.  Mom, I promise I am now drinking water and less soda.

2. Stay cool: This is a two parter.

A. Try to stay in the air conditioning during the day as much as you can. I know it is summer and everyone wants to be outside swimming, but you will regret it later at rehearsal. Your kids will be zapped and you will be zapped. Your kids will have a bad attitude. You will have a bad attitude. Trust me on this one! I know from first hand experience. I try to limit our day time swimming to under two hours, with enough time for a nap before rehearsal. Doesn't always happen, but I try. 

B. Try to keep your temper cool. This is especially tough for those of us who need a schedule and routine. Tech week is hard to schedule. It is more of a plan. First this, then that, next those, and finally these. It is hard to put a set time on all of this. Tech week is a time to iron out all the problems. Sometimes problems are easy to fix, other times they take a little bit longer. Sometimes those harder problems cause a little bit of stress and your loving staff may be a little bit stressed and not as much fun as they have been up to this point. Parents it won't necessarily be your child's fault if rehearsal runs a little later than you think it should. Don't be short with them even if you are extra tired when they finally get in your car. This may or may not have happened in my car once.

3. Chaos control: Tech week can bring on a lot of chaos. A lot of people are doing a lot of different things all at the same time. If you have been assigned a job, do it. If you have questions use the "3 Before Me" rule. This is my new favorite rule in my class!!! It has helped with chaos management in my classroom while I am doing small group instruction. Basically check with 3 other sources before you ask your question. Chances are your question has been asked/answered somewhere else. Check website, Facebook, emails, text, or ask another cast member.

4. Eat healthy: This week will be crazy. It will be tempting to stop by a fast food drive through, but you will be better off if you don't head in that direction. Tech week is the one time my family is guaranteed a healthy meal. One of the few weeks I don't hit the drive through. Eat your fruits, veggies, and protein. You are putting your body through a lot. It will thank you later.

5. Sleep: I know this is a joke. You could be getting home after 11:00 and if you have to work in the morning, a lot of sleep won't be happening. However; if you can manage, you should try to get at 20 minute nap before rehearsal... Nap, what is that??

During my first tech week as a stage mom, I didn't think about all of these things. A1 ended up with a bad migraine and almost wasn't able to perform during one of the shows. That is a crummy way to end things after working so hard for so long.

Happy tech week! Break a leg!

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