Sunday, January 20, 2013

History Does Repeat Itself

Today A2 had an intense phone conversation with her imaginary BFF Corliuos (I am not really sure how to spell it but this is how it sounds...).  I overheard A2 saying:

"Hey... Why would you say my mom is ugly? No. No she isn't THAT ugly. You really aren't very nice. Why do you think my mom is selfish? She isn't THAT selfish. No you are a jerk. My mom isn't. You really aren't very nice."
She hung up her phone, noticing I was watching and said "Some people are just rude." 
I wasn't sure if I should be offended that she created this story or proud that she defended me to the evil little Corliuos, whom A2 is not allowed to play with for at least one week. This short conversation reminded me of another phone call I overheard a few years ago.  Rewind to November 28, 2010 to my facebook status:

I just finished loudly reminding A1 for the 3rd time to put her toys away. I heard her say into her plastic cell phone, "Sorry about all that yelling Ali, my mom is all over me to put my stuff away. (pause) "yeah I know." Then she laughed. I really want to know what Ali said about me.
It seems that both girls use their phones and their imaginary friends to passive aggressively attack me.  This teen-age preview is a glimpse into my future helping to prepare me for my future of having 3 teenage girls whose names all happen to start with A.
The A team November 2010 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Car Smells

After taking in a loud and dramatic sniff of the air A2 said, "Mommy your car smells guilty."

Hmmm... I'm not really sure how to take that.  Spoiled milk, sure I would understand that one.  Sweaty feet of a talkative 3 year old, yep I can smell that.  Perhaps she equated that the strange aroma from the old, yet edible in-case-of-an-emergency, French fries from my not-so-secret favorite restaurant with the guilt I SHOULD be feeling for allowing her to eat there. 

A2 just might be on to something. I decided to question her about the oders in other peoples' cars.

Daddy's car: "Angry, or maybe it is coffee, yes I think it is coffee"
Nana's car: "Happy and clean"
Aunt Caley's car: "Silly cupcakes"
Connor's car: "Peter Pan and love"
Julie's car: "Kids"

After hearing her analysis of the other cars I have decided that she is most likely right, my car probably does smell guilty.  Her new personality test based on the smell of your car is almost 100% accurate...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

How do I do it?

We are getting ready to start another crazy week here for the A team.  At least once a week I have someone say, "How do you do it?" or "How in the world can you work a full time job and raise 3 girls?" or some other similar comment.  I figured I should share my secrets...

1. Stay organized.
2. Let things go.
3. It is a team effort.

I spend most of the weekend prepping for the next week.  We have a schedule board that we write on so we can keep track of who is going where and when.  I found the idea on Pinterest.  I figured if it was pretty I would use it.
I also plan all our meals for the week.  I get as much done as I can on Sunday so all I have to do is pop it in the oven after work.  This week we will be having chili, pot roast, meatloaf, crock pot chicken, and PIZZA.  I also have food precooked for breakfast.  Once a month I cook and freeze enough breakfast burritos to last for four weeks.  Since A1 and I take a lunch I have started premaking PB&Js on Sunday night.  We make enough for the entire week and freeze them.  It is nice in the morning to just have to grab a sandwich and throw it in a lunch bag!
The biggest help has been planning the girls' outfits for the week.  I pick out five outfits and lay them out the girls tell me which day of the week they want to wear each outfit.  After the decisions have been made the clothes go in to the hanging organizer and we stick with it, no changing our minds. :)
Since we have started doing this we have fewer fights in the morning.  A2 still complains that things don't "feel" right but we are able to work through it without temper tantrums. 
 This is what they are wearing this week.

  We also have a schedule we stick to every night.  From the time we all get home we work from our schedule.  Snack, homework, play, dinner, dance (2 days) play, bath, read, brush teeth, bed. This schedule is something our girls need. They really seem to function better with a routine. Sometimes during the summer I get lazy and we get off our schedule and then life really takes a turn for the crazy!

Now even with all this organization things will happen and I have to let things go.  I have to be ready to alter my plans and to be ok with it.  Last week I planned on making hot ham and cheese sandwiches only to find mold on the Hawaiian rolls.  BOO! I ended up subbing in the next nights dinner and later when Mac had to leave for a meeting he stopped by the grocery store and got new rolls for the following night.  Also I wasn't smart enough to check the weather forecast when I planned outfits.  I figured it was safe to say it would be cold in January in central Illinois.  Wrong.  By the end of the week it was 60*s. I had to do some minor subbing in clothing; a long sleeved t-shirt instead of a heavier thermal shirt.  As luck would have it we are back in the 30's this week so I just threw that shirt back in the rotation. Can't sweat the changes, just adapt and go with it.

I absolutely don't do all of this by myself! Mac has been known to jump in and make all the PB&J sandwiches or brown the hamburger meat when I need extra hands in the kitchen.  I also have a great team that works together to help out with the girls.  We have the best babysitter, J!  She has been a major part of our lives since A1 was 5 months old.  She is an amazing lady that would do anything to help us.  And I do mean ANYTHING! When A1 was about 18 months old we were all plagued with a horrible stomach virus.  As if that wasn't enough our basement als flooded and we couldn't do any laundry.  Without asking her, our J came over bagged some of A1's sheets, blankets, and sleepers and took them to her house to wash them.  She returned them a few hours later with some food.  She really is an amazing person and I am happy she has the chance to influence my girls!

Not only do we have J in our lives but we also have tons of friends and family who jump in and help any way they can.  When I was 8 months pregnant with A3 Mac was working on a show and I had a group of friends who took turns coming over to my house at night to help with the other 2 girls. This was an amazing gift!

How do I do it? With a lot of planning, praying, and friends.  Oh and laughing, laughing helps too!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Names are Important!

A1 was so excited after school today.  She told me EVERYTHING she did EVERY minute of the day. After twenty minutes of non-stop talking, I returned from a temporary "mom" comma hearing her say, "I told my class my favorite thing I got was a midget." Without thinking I instructed her on the PC label of little person.  Then it registered...
Her teacher probably thinks we are crazy, well actually it is January so this just confirms any suspicions she may have had.
I questioned her, "What did you tell your class we got you?"
Totally impatient, duh plastered to her face she said, "A midget."
Very confused I asked her, "Why would you tell your class we got you a midget?"
Completely annoyed she sighed, "Because you did. You know that purple thing that talks to us and dances.  We opened it at Grandma's house."
The clouds parted with one of those slap your forehead moments.  I said, "Honey that is called a Fijit."
She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I know."
So if anyone asked her today what she got for Christmas, we DID NOT buy her a person!  We instead bought her a creepy alien robot doll that tells jokes OVER AND OVER!
Midget Fijit

Monday, January 7, 2013

Things I Never Thought I Would Say

My life seems to be filled with a barrage of comments made by me to one of the A's, followed by me thinking, "Wow, I never thought I would say that." I had prepared myself for the usual; "Don't run with scissors, Chew with your mouth closed, Don't hit your sister, Shut the door you are letting all the cold air in/out." I never expected to say half of what I have said to the girls.  Some of the best advice has come from these unplanned utterances. My favorites:

"Don't put the cat's tail in your mouth."
"Please don't shake your booty in front of our guest."
"We don't wear diapers on our head." 
"We don't pee in the front yard."
"Toothpaste goes in your mouth, not on the walls to hold papers."
"Don't put your toe in your sister's mouth."
"Get your feet off the table."

And my all time favorite...

"Princess's don't talk about poop."

Parenting= expect the unexpected!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Yesterday the girls overheard me explaining to Mac that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to be more adventurous with food, to try food I wouldn't normally find on the kid's menu.  A1 had tons of questions about this strange tradition.  I explained to her that people use the new year to try to make plans that will make their lives better. She thought it sounded like fun so we came up with a list of resolutions for ourselves both individually and as a family.

A1 didn't necessarily agree with, or like, a few of mine but here are the top 3 for each person:

1. The ENTIRE family will try new foods and will have to give at least three bites before we can decide if we don't like something.
This is the one A1 had the biggest beef with.  She told me it was a horrible idea and that we should just stick with doing things to improve ourselves.
2. Run more.  
A1 approved of this one because she knows my goal is to run the Princess Half Marathon at Disney February 2014.
3. Take a class and try something new.
A1 was indifferent toward this one.

1. Go to the beach more.
*HINT*HINT*HINT* Anyone going to the beach?
2. Take care of the Earth.
She is turning into quite the Environmentalist.
3. Get the red dot off her nose and fix her R's.
This one tugged at my heart a little.  The first sign of her being self-conscious about her temporary imperfections.  I will add another resolution to work on her self-esteem.

1. Wear more dresses.
Sounds easy enough.
2. Make a dress.
Starting to become more of a challenge.  Perhaps we can find something on Pinterest...
3. Cook a lot and make up our own recipes using cookies and vegetables.
I'm stumped.  Who is this kid?
We did ask her 3 times what her resolutions were.  She signed "more", spit out her pacifier, and then pulled up on the couch.  I have translated:
1. More. More of everything, food, fun, laughter, crying, learning, and loving.
2. Get rid of the pacifier. 
She doesn't know this yet, but she won't have it as long as A2 had hers!
3. Becoming more mobile.
All Most of these seem achievable....
Through God, all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Yes Day

While I was distracted changing A3 and watching A1 cut out a picture, A2 asked me if she could get a piece of paper. Without thinking I said "No."
She cupped my chin in her chubby sticky hands, pulled my face toward hers she said, "Really, I can't have paper?"
I said, "Oh sure that is fine. Sorry I said no. I meant to say yes."
She said, "That is ok. It was an accident. You just need more practice saying yes."
That wise 3 year old was right. I needed more practice saying yes.

I was inspired, ready to practice and a little nervous. No matter what the girls asked for I was going to answer yes. I didn't tell the girls what I was doing for fear of having requests for ponies, puppies, and all other things that make me sneeze. The first request was an easy one; "Mom can we have pizza rolls for breakfast." Yes. Then the requests came rolling in. "Mom can we have A (not related) over?" Yes. "Mom can we make cupcakes?" Yes. "Mom can we watch a movie?" Yes. "Mom can we have a Wii dance contest?" Yes. "Mom can we have a cupcake for lunch?" Yes. "Mom can I have a second cupcake?" Yes. I was starting to get exhausted but luckily it was nap time. "Mom will you lay down with me when I go to sleep?" YES!
We were so busy all day. We colored pictures, read American Girl Magazine, wrote notes, and even made a movie. No one argued. No one fought. No one cried. No one asked to do anything too crazy or dangerous.

There was one time that I almost said "No." A2 asked me if she could put a tattoo on her forehead. I started to say no and then was reminded that the giant star would come off with baby oil so I said yes. A2 looked at me like I was nuts and then she asked to put the tattoo on her hand.
I learned a few things from our yes day:
1. No is ALWAYS my go-to answer and that isn't right. I need to consider what the girls are wanting before I decide if it should be shut down.
2. My girls have better judgment than I give them credit for.
3. My girls really are fun people and it was good to live in the moment; no plans or agendas.
4. My girls will only to want to hang out with me and play for so long so I need to enjoy every minute!
5. Cupcakes for lunch, every once in a while, won't kill you! :)

I hope after reading this you are inspired to try a yes day!