Saturday, January 5, 2013

Yes Day

While I was distracted changing A3 and watching A1 cut out a picture, A2 asked me if she could get a piece of paper. Without thinking I said "No."
She cupped my chin in her chubby sticky hands, pulled my face toward hers she said, "Really, I can't have paper?"
I said, "Oh sure that is fine. Sorry I said no. I meant to say yes."
She said, "That is ok. It was an accident. You just need more practice saying yes."
That wise 3 year old was right. I needed more practice saying yes.

I was inspired, ready to practice and a little nervous. No matter what the girls asked for I was going to answer yes. I didn't tell the girls what I was doing for fear of having requests for ponies, puppies, and all other things that make me sneeze. The first request was an easy one; "Mom can we have pizza rolls for breakfast." Yes. Then the requests came rolling in. "Mom can we have A (not related) over?" Yes. "Mom can we make cupcakes?" Yes. "Mom can we watch a movie?" Yes. "Mom can we have a Wii dance contest?" Yes. "Mom can we have a cupcake for lunch?" Yes. "Mom can I have a second cupcake?" Yes. I was starting to get exhausted but luckily it was nap time. "Mom will you lay down with me when I go to sleep?" YES!
We were so busy all day. We colored pictures, read American Girl Magazine, wrote notes, and even made a movie. No one argued. No one fought. No one cried. No one asked to do anything too crazy or dangerous.

There was one time that I almost said "No." A2 asked me if she could put a tattoo on her forehead. I started to say no and then was reminded that the giant star would come off with baby oil so I said yes. A2 looked at me like I was nuts and then she asked to put the tattoo on her hand.
I learned a few things from our yes day:
1. No is ALWAYS my go-to answer and that isn't right. I need to consider what the girls are wanting before I decide if it should be shut down.
2. My girls have better judgment than I give them credit for.
3. My girls really are fun people and it was good to live in the moment; no plans or agendas.
4. My girls will only to want to hang out with me and play for so long so I need to enjoy every minute!
5. Cupcakes for lunch, every once in a while, won't kill you! :)

I hope after reading this you are inspired to try a yes day!

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