Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Car Smells

After taking in a loud and dramatic sniff of the air A2 said, "Mommy your car smells guilty."

Hmmm... I'm not really sure how to take that.  Spoiled milk, sure I would understand that one.  Sweaty feet of a talkative 3 year old, yep I can smell that.  Perhaps she equated that the strange aroma from the old, yet edible in-case-of-an-emergency, French fries from my not-so-secret favorite restaurant with the guilt I SHOULD be feeling for allowing her to eat there. 

A2 just might be on to something. I decided to question her about the oders in other peoples' cars.

Daddy's car: "Angry, or maybe it is coffee, yes I think it is coffee"
Nana's car: "Happy and clean"
Aunt Caley's car: "Silly cupcakes"
Connor's car: "Peter Pan and love"
Julie's car: "Kids"

After hearing her analysis of the other cars I have decided that she is most likely right, my car probably does smell guilty.  Her new personality test based on the smell of your car is almost 100% accurate...

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