Monday, September 9, 2013

Trying to Understand

I really need to work on not being a perfectionist.  I need to work on being ok with being mediocre.  Today I got two notes from A1's teacher that shouldn't have sent me over the edge the way they did.  The first was a note explaining that the class had earned a pajama party for good behavior.  I wasn't mad that they were having a party just annoyed that I got the note on Monday and the party was on Tuesday.  I was upset because plan the girls' outfits for the entire week on Sunday and I hadn't planned on pajamas for Tuesday. How could something this silly set me off?  I knew I wouldn't be able to find pajamas for A1 to wear to school in the morning. The girls really don't have any summer pajamas, at least something they could wear and be comfortable in on a 90* day. It is a well known fact that our thermostat is set at "arctic" so when the girls actually put pajamas on they are wearing flannel pajamas. I knew A1 would be upset that she didn't have anything to wear.  I didn't want to disappoint her.  So I decided to squeeze a trip to Target to buy A1 pajamas for tomorrow into my crazy busy night... I understand that this is my own doing.  I understand that I didn't have to go to the store.  I understand that A1 would be ok if she didn't have any pajamas to wear to school.  I understand that I put myself under this stress.
 The second note, "Hurray! Your Child is Student of the Week!" was met with abnormal amounts of anger and grumpiness.  Was I mad that A1 was student of the week? No way! I was just feeling the pressure of completing all the tasks that came along with it.  Tonight she had to complete 3 different "All About Me" posters.  We worked on these while we drove to dance, drove to the store, drove back to dance, drove home and then before bed.  A1 had to stay up 30 minutes after her normal bedtime to finish the posters.  Most of this was me having her correct misspellings.  I couldn't let her turn in her poster with words spelled wrong.  I understand that my issue with the homework is really an issue I have with me.  I understand that A1 misspelling a word doesn't make less of a mom.  I understand that I need to let it go!
A1 got me to come back to reality by offering these wise words "But Mom, B can read my "strawberry" so that means probably everyone else will be able to read my strawberry too unless they have eye problems but then they won't be able to read it even if it was spelled right anyway."  Good point.  Letting it go.

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