Friday, January 31, 2014

Competitive Talking

After leaving work and picking up the girls at multiple locations my 40 mile journey home can take me over an hour.  Some nights the miles fly by while other nights the the miles seem to multiply. With A2's attempt to making talking competitive sport, tonight's trip felt like hours.  A3 wasn't about to be out down by A2, so she joined the competition by adding some version of "Mom" every 15-20 seconds.

By the time we stopped to pick up A1, I had to check to see if my ears were bleeding. Luckily they weren't.  A1 entered the talking competition full force.  She had stories to tell and I had almost bleeding ears almost ready to listen.

While the trip was slightly painful it was also delightful.  Here are my top 10 highlights:

1. Before we pulled out of the babysitter's driveway A2 started with, "This weekend we need to watch the news." I was curious why this little 4 year old who nightly complains when Mac has the news on, calling it "Bad News, would suddenly show interest in the happenings of the world.  Then she added, "It is Ground Hog's Day and I need to find out if the porcupine sees his shadow." Ummm...

2. After going on and on about the events that take place on Ground Hog's Day, she sat quietly for 30 seconds.  The silence was broken with a question, "Mom, do you remember what I said about Ground Hog's Day?" Ok, so I know that I am a little stressed and my memory is bad but come on... I was proud to tell her that I remembered.  She was fighting back tears as she said, "No! You are supposed to forget!" I.  Can't. Win!

3. "Mom are you happy that I am the middle child? I am like the best because I am the smallest of the bigs and the biggest of the smalls." How could I not smile?

4. "Mom, how old was A3 when she was born?"

5. The radio announced that a Taylor Swift song was coming on and from the back seat I heard, "Woo hoo! Taylor Swift!  Did they say Taylor Swift? That is my girl!"

6. "A3 really is the cutest baby.  It is a good thing she is cute because I don't like listening to her talk." You are cute too, A2.  It is a good thing too!

7. The radio announced Miley Cyrus was coming up. A2 was quit disgusted! "Miley? I don't like her.  She is horrible. She put her butt on a wrecking ball and it was a naked butt." I can't decide if this is an example of good parenting because she knows that it is not right to be naked on a wrecking ball or if this is bad parenting because she knows about Miley and her wrecking ball... I blame... someone else.

8. A1 got in the car as Wrecking Ball (is that even the name of that song?) was on. She had her own comments. "This is Miley Cyrus.  She is nasty.  She likes to twerp and that is just bad manners!"

9. "Know who else is nasty? Justin Beaver.  He is really horrible.  Do you know all the bad stuff he does? He smokes, he drinks the beers, he texts, he drives race cars.  He was arrested because he broke up with Selena Gomez. I think we should stop sending him money." I am pretty sure the facts got a little misconstrued during 2nd grade gossip time but at least she doesn't seem to like the bad boys, yet.

10. "Mom, I think A3 has ear mice." No A1, she is just plugging her ears to make your constant noise stop.

These girls provide me with hours of entertainment...But you know what they say; Silence is golden! Actually in those rare moments that I am still awake and they are quiet I miss the competitive talking!


Monday, January 27, 2014

God's 10 Big Rules at a Basketball Game

A few weeks ago I took the girls to a high school girls' basketball game to watch our favorite coach do her thing.  I figured that since it was a freshman game it would be tame and not very crowded so my girls wouldn't be too hard to control...

Well it wasn't too crowded and the girls weren't the ones who needed to be controlled.  Aside from the constant questions from A1 and A2 and the non-stop lap jumping from A3, the girls really were well behaved.  We sat across from the team's bench so we could have the best view of the coach. This just so happened to be on the same side as the fans from the other team. 

Some of the crowd from the opposing team should have taken some lessons from my girls. We were playing a local school that has a reputation for poor sportsmanship, especially from the parents. Parents screamed at the refs after almost every call.  Parents clapped and cheered when the girls from the other team missed a shot. Parents yelled at their daughters for missing shots or losing the ball.  Parents encouraged their daughters to hit their opponents.

At one point a girl pulled her arm back ready to punch the point guard who got tangled up with her while stealing the ball.  The mom yelled, "Go ahead!" Then the player back talked the ref and the mom continued to encourage her daughter's awful behavior.  Thankfully the coach had the sense to pull her out of the game at that point.  However; I did later question her judgement, as she walked off the court and looked at the crowd consisting of her team's parents and said, "I hate them, I really hate them." Talking about the other team. 

The fact that there were only about 25 parents in the gym made the poor sportsmanship even worse because everyone could tell exactly who said what comment.  My girls really didn't seemed too phased by most of what was going on.  They were too busy trying to distract their aunt to listen to the insults.     

The man behind us chose an inopportune time to shout at the refs regarding a call with which he disagreed. The gym was almost completely silent when we heard a deep loud voice bellow, "JESUS!" Only it wasn't a quick "Jesus" it was a long drawn out, "JEEEEEEEEEEEE-SSSSUUSSSSSSSS!"

Well of course this got A2's attention.  As soon as she heard it, she spun around with wide eyes and a large dramatic, Um-I'm-Telling-You Gasp, that caught everyone's attention, including the man who yelled. She continued while I tried to lock eyes with her and give her a please stop look, "Did you hear that man?" I nodded and put my hand on her shoulder hoping that somehow my touch would send the message of, "Be quiet NOW!" It didn't.  She went on in her best tattle tale voice, "He said, Jesus.  You shouldn't say that.  He broke one of God's Ten Big Rules!" As she finished she gave him the most shame inspiring disappointed look she could muster, which caused him to wilt in his seat.

Even though I wanted to hide at that moment, I was very proud of A2 for standing up for what she thought was right. Since we didn't hear another sound out of that man I am guessing he learned a lesson from the A Team. I did have a few parents from the other team praise my girls for how well behaved they were.  I think they were just trying to suck up because they were afraid but we will take it! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Clean Discovery

Yesterday I spent 5 hours cleaning the girls' room.  Two of those hours were spent in almost glorious solitude until A3 woke up and decided to help me for an  hour by sitting in my lap and begging me to hold her.  Another hour was spent with the entire family helping.  It was great to have all the help but I swear the walls were closing in on us!

At about the 4 hour mark, I reached several conclusions:

1. My girls are gross. I mean really gross! I already knew this but this cleaning adventure confirmed any doubts. 

2. A2 is destined to be an artist.  I found an elaborate sticker display and drawings done in crayon, marker, pen, pencil, and miscellaneous. Miscellaneous, you ask?... see number 1.

3. The girls are hoarders.  The treasures they stash and store are mind boggling. Honestly, why would someone need to save tags off of new clothes? Not the paper part but the little plastic part that connects the paper tag to the clothes.

4. The girls are trying to keep Wally the mouse as a pet.  I found half eaten bread sticks, empty-ish containers of applesauce, cereal, and a banana. I was 99.9% sure we have a rule about only eating in the kitchen but I guess I was wrong...

5. The girls have a secret desire to be doomsday preppers.  I found 4 rolls of toilet paper hidden under their beds, in the closet, and in A2's dresser.  I am sure their could be a 5th roll if I put all the scraps and shredded pieces back together. 

6. Their dolls have better clothes than I do.  I never realized before just how many American Doll outfits they have collected over the years soon we will need to build an addition on to our house so the doll, her name changes weekly, can have her own closet space.

7. A1 is a frustratingly creative little girl.  Every night they get in trouble for not going to sleep because they are telling stories, making up jokes, and as I just discovered, writing daily new casts. I laughed when I read "Wednesday News." Apparently, Wednesday was a rough news day.  Fights with friends, sisters, and parents.  It is amazing that A1 is able to face the day with such a turbulent life.

8. I need to do a better job supervising their daily clean up so I don't have to spend an entire day re-cleaning their room.  This probably won't actually happen so I will continue to marathon clean on days off from school...

My girls are great, gross, but great.  I really enjoy all their quirks and oddities so it is worth all the hard work cleaning their room.  Honestly, I kind of enjoy discovering who they are by cleaning up their messes, but not enough to do it all the time!  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Jumbo Size Big

We have had a particularly rough couple of days.  Everyone is tired after break and having a tough time returning to our normal schedules.  I feel like I have been extra cranky and yelly the last 2 days so I wanted to make a point to just listen to the girls tonight. 

A2 really didn't have much to share.  She wanted to talk about farts, poop, and wrestling but A1 was more insightful.  She poured her heart out.  She told me that she was having trouble with a friend at school and that she kind of got in trouble at school.  I tried really hard not to laugh when she explained what "got in trouble" meant.  She says she accidentally erased something before she was supposed to and her teacher asked her group why it was erased.  A1 one said that she worried about it for the rest of the day.  The only funny thing about this is that this is totally how I would have been in the situation.  Make a mistake and then become fixated on it.  I still worry about making mistakes but I am not as bad... So good news, A1, in about 28 years you will be ok with making mistakes!

After we talked she seemed to relax and was her fun loving self again and so was I.

A1 said she really liked talking to me tonight so the girls worked on another note for me. I was a little nervous after reading the last one but this was really sweet!


Dear Mom,
  I love the way you clean. You are so helpful. You are the most best mom ever. You never spank hard. You bake so good. You get just what we want for Christmas or birthdays so we love you not just a little but a jumbo size big.

A1 and A2

Even though the scratched off message on the top says, "What up poop girl," I still love my girls jumbo size big!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Daughter's Poem


Last night I put the girls to bed knowing it was going to be a long nights of ups and downs since they had spent the last two weeks staying up WAY past their bed time and sleeping in super late.  I was prepared to be firm but understanding.

They were in bed about twenty minutes before the first girl was DYING of thirst.  A1 came down with A2, obviously she needed moral support in case I denied her the right to have water. While they were downstairs I gave both of them water to save them a trip later.  Before they went back upstairs, A1 went over to the computer and asked what I was writing.  Then she became suspiciously complimentary... "I love your writing." and "You really are a good writer." and finally, "I hope someday I can write like you." I assumed all this flattery was a weak attempt at stalling. 

Almost two and half hours past and I didn't hear from them again.  I hesitantly believed against my better judgement that they actually went to sleep.  I even bragged to Mac that the girls went to bed with very little trouble.

The pats on my back stopped when I got to the top of the stairs and I heard the giggles and the whispers.  I flew into tired mommy rage.  I started yelling and the girls kept laughing.  WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THEM!?! Couldn't they tell I was mad? Didn't they care?

No, they didn't.  They had another plan. A2 finally said we wrote a story for you mommy.  We wanted you to like our writing too.  Mommy rage melting. So many emotions hit me all at once. Part of me was impressed that they worked on a project together without fighting. Another part of me was impressed that A1, who HATES writing, wanted to write. A large part of me was proud that they did this FOR ME.   Still there was a small part of me that was a little angry that they were still awake. I decided to ignore that small part.  Honestly, what is the harm in them being tired at the babysitter's house, I mean they might be grumpy but that is her problem, right? :)

Then I read the paper...
The giggles turned into uncontrollable laughter as I read this story out loud.

I Hate Poop
butt, butt, butt butt shoeses
don't make since P. P. P. P. P. P.
dodo buttface that is stek in
poop pee direya
farts toots and green loose stolls
that smell like rotten eggs
in tolit whater p.p.p.s
dodo heads

Once again I was confused as to how I should feel, no, actually I know that I should be angry and disappointed that they would break my rules and write something so horrible and disgusting but the problem was that I thought it was funny too.  I have the same sense of humor as a 2nd grader.  I love fart jokes and the word "poop" makes me giggle.  I am a little proud that they knew this would be one of the best poems I had ever read and they wrote this just for me.  I am also very impressed by the descriptive writing, "green loose stolls that smell like rotten eggs in tolit whater." Pure genius, even if it is spelled wrong!

I did my best not to laugh with them and reminded them that this is not appropriate language.  These are bathroom words and should only be said in the bathroom.  I was crying by the end and I don't think they bought a word of it... I am so immature.  My kids are doomed. Our babysitter has her work cut out for her...

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Sad Truth

I woke up yesterday morning sore.  I mean very sore.  I am talking every muscle and joint in my body hurt.  I felt like I had been punched in the shoulder, my wrists and hands had been run over by a car, and my legs and feet had been hit by bricks. I really want to lie and say that I had gotten back on track with my T25 but that wouldn't be at all believable.  The sad truth is that I spent too many hours the day before freezer cooking... I am pathetic.

Once again I decided to be a follower.  I had several friends post on FB about their adventures in freezer cooking.  One website, The Shabby Creek Cottage, made it sound extra easy, plus it provided a shopping list so I didn't have to think about what I needed.  I woke up Saturday morning, the day before THE BIG SNOW STORM, and decided to head to Walmart to load my cart up with enough groceries to make 28 meals. Plus I also got the prestorm essentials; bread and milk. The shopping trip itself wasn't so bad and A1 went with me for some added entertainment.  We were only at the store for about an hour and a half.  I made it out only spending $200.  Most of it was actually stuff on the list but some wasn't.  After careful examination of my receipt, I actually spent $162 on the food and storage for this adventure.  That wasn't too bad but I know I could have done better if I would have taken the time to price shop, wait for stuff to be on sale, or had any coupons, but since this was one of my spur of the moment adventures I spent more than I had to. 

My loot. Not pictured is all the cold stuff and the storage containers.
 I got home from the store and Mac was little shocked by the amount of groceries I hauled in from the car.  He was very skeptical when I told him my plan for making 28 meals.  He simple said, "That is good." I know he didn't think it would actually happen, I may or may not have a reputation for not finishing what I start.

Well, I did finish and my day was basically successful but I have learned a few things that I will do different next time.

1. Make sure Mac is either home or the girls are no where near me.  I didn't know when I started this adventure Mac would be building a set but that is what happened so I was left alone with all three girls.  A1 and A2 were somewhat helpful.  I created jobs for them to do.  A1 wrote all the labels and directions. A2 added cheese to all the finished dishes.
A3 was... well... no help at all.  She decided she didn't need a nap so she spent most of the afternoon crying and begging to be held.

2. Actually read what the recipes are for before starting.  I made a couple meals of Chili without realizing that was on the menu.  My girls hate chili and will only tolerate my own recipe for chili, there is no way they will eat this...

3. I am not sure what size bowls this lady has but they must be gigantic!  I used the largest bowls I had and they still weren't big enough.  If I use her recipes again I will have to cut them in half and just prepare them twice. This would save me a lot of clean up time.

4. I would double check the grocery list.  I didn't have enough storage containers had to be creative on the fly.

5. Take what ever time they say it will take and multiply it by 2.  I read that it took her 4 hours and it took me 8. Although I am sure my little helpers added a few hours.

6. Study the recipes before starting.  I wasted a lot of time waiting for rice and noodle prep.  If I would have been a better planner those could have been cooking while I was chopping or shredding. 

7. Separate shopping and cooking... DON'T do it on the same day. Ever.  I was already worn out by the time I got home from shopping so I got crabby faster than I would have if I started cooking fresh.

8.  Clean out the refrigerator before starting.  I had enough forethought to clean out the freezers but it didn't occur to me to clean out the refrigerator as well.  Luckily it was rather cool out so I was able to store all the cold foods outside.
9. Plan what I will be having for dinner THAT night ahead of time.  I wasn't hungry at all when it was dinner time but the girls sure were! I got got a little grumpy at the thought of having to come up with dinner.  Luckily Mac came home about that time a took over.

10. Find a friend that I wouldn't mind being with while I am trapped in the kitchen.  It would have been nice to have an extra set of hands for dish duty or just someone to motivate me while washing dishes.  Don't get me started on all the dishes! I washed and rewashed all my bowls, pots, pans, spoons countless times. Thankfully when Mac got home he jumped right in the kitchen and helped out.  He was washing dishes while I was making meals.  It really went faster once he was there.

My raw over washed hands.  Poor, poor me!   

Tonight we tried one of the meals, Tex Mex Chicken, and it was GOOD! The girls all loved it and it was nice having a hot meal 40 minutes after I popped it in the oven.  I will definitely do more freezer cooking but I will plan out my adventure a little better next time! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow Ice Cream

In true follower fashion the A Team made Snow Ice Cream.  We were suffering from cabin fever and I either had to make the stuff that was the subject of many FB posts and pictures or sacrifice one of the young. We made the group decision to go for the ice cream.

I used a recipe that my friend recommended.  She makes this several times each winter and has made it for years. After making this... treat, I now question her judgement on all things!  This is one of the most horrible things I have ever eaten! The texture. The taste.  The smell.  YUCK!

A1 took one bite and said, "Is this another one of those healthy things you are trying to make us eat?" Then she started gagging while her eyes watered. 

A2 took a couple of bites and tried to reject it in the nicest way she could, "Mom, I am not saying I don't like it but I just don't think I should eat it any more.  It is cold you know." What!?! Ice cream made from snow is cold? You are right you better stop eating that right now!

A3 actually liked it.  She ate the entire bowl. I think this could be due to her 3 day long hunger strike though.

I added some chocolate powder and the taste improved slightly.  A1 ended up finishing hers and asked for more.  A2 still thought it was too cold. 

I will never make this again.  I will never trust my friend again.  I will never believe what I read on the internet. 

Snow Ice Cream is sNO Good!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Don't Scare Mommy

Dear Girls,

You should know by now your mommy is a big chicken.  It is NEVER a good idea to quietly creep downstairs and stand silently staring at her, especially if she is watching a scary show with creepy little possessed girls with long blond hair.  You will be guaranteed to experience a temporary hearing loss due to the high pitched scream your mommy will emit upon briefly seeing you out of the corner of her eye.  There is also a chance you will be karate chopped in the throat if she thinks you are a threat to her life, however that isn't likely since your mom is a wiltor and will collapse at the first sign of danger.  You do have a good chance of being kicked in the head as your mommy crumbles to the ground.  Please keep this in mind the next you feel like it is a good idea to come downstairs at 11:00 PM.

Your mommy is sorry that you can't sleep, but please be a normal kid and stay in your bed screaming until she can get to you. It is nice that you are consider your sisters who are sleeping, but you really should take the time to be selfish.  It is for your own safety.

Love Always,
