Friday, January 10, 2014

Jumbo Size Big

We have had a particularly rough couple of days.  Everyone is tired after break and having a tough time returning to our normal schedules.  I feel like I have been extra cranky and yelly the last 2 days so I wanted to make a point to just listen to the girls tonight. 

A2 really didn't have much to share.  She wanted to talk about farts, poop, and wrestling but A1 was more insightful.  She poured her heart out.  She told me that she was having trouble with a friend at school and that she kind of got in trouble at school.  I tried really hard not to laugh when she explained what "got in trouble" meant.  She says she accidentally erased something before she was supposed to and her teacher asked her group why it was erased.  A1 one said that she worried about it for the rest of the day.  The only funny thing about this is that this is totally how I would have been in the situation.  Make a mistake and then become fixated on it.  I still worry about making mistakes but I am not as bad... So good news, A1, in about 28 years you will be ok with making mistakes!

After we talked she seemed to relax and was her fun loving self again and so was I.

A1 said she really liked talking to me tonight so the girls worked on another note for me. I was a little nervous after reading the last one but this was really sweet!


Dear Mom,
  I love the way you clean. You are so helpful. You are the most best mom ever. You never spank hard. You bake so good. You get just what we want for Christmas or birthdays so we love you not just a little but a jumbo size big.

A1 and A2

Even though the scratched off message on the top says, "What up poop girl," I still love my girls jumbo size big!

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