Friday, January 31, 2014

Competitive Talking

After leaving work and picking up the girls at multiple locations my 40 mile journey home can take me over an hour.  Some nights the miles fly by while other nights the the miles seem to multiply. With A2's attempt to making talking competitive sport, tonight's trip felt like hours.  A3 wasn't about to be out down by A2, so she joined the competition by adding some version of "Mom" every 15-20 seconds.

By the time we stopped to pick up A1, I had to check to see if my ears were bleeding. Luckily they weren't.  A1 entered the talking competition full force.  She had stories to tell and I had almost bleeding ears almost ready to listen.

While the trip was slightly painful it was also delightful.  Here are my top 10 highlights:

1. Before we pulled out of the babysitter's driveway A2 started with, "This weekend we need to watch the news." I was curious why this little 4 year old who nightly complains when Mac has the news on, calling it "Bad News, would suddenly show interest in the happenings of the world.  Then she added, "It is Ground Hog's Day and I need to find out if the porcupine sees his shadow." Ummm...

2. After going on and on about the events that take place on Ground Hog's Day, she sat quietly for 30 seconds.  The silence was broken with a question, "Mom, do you remember what I said about Ground Hog's Day?" Ok, so I know that I am a little stressed and my memory is bad but come on... I was proud to tell her that I remembered.  She was fighting back tears as she said, "No! You are supposed to forget!" I.  Can't. Win!

3. "Mom are you happy that I am the middle child? I am like the best because I am the smallest of the bigs and the biggest of the smalls." How could I not smile?

4. "Mom, how old was A3 when she was born?"

5. The radio announced that a Taylor Swift song was coming on and from the back seat I heard, "Woo hoo! Taylor Swift!  Did they say Taylor Swift? That is my girl!"

6. "A3 really is the cutest baby.  It is a good thing she is cute because I don't like listening to her talk." You are cute too, A2.  It is a good thing too!

7. The radio announced Miley Cyrus was coming up. A2 was quit disgusted! "Miley? I don't like her.  She is horrible. She put her butt on a wrecking ball and it was a naked butt." I can't decide if this is an example of good parenting because she knows that it is not right to be naked on a wrecking ball or if this is bad parenting because she knows about Miley and her wrecking ball... I blame... someone else.

8. A1 got in the car as Wrecking Ball (is that even the name of that song?) was on. She had her own comments. "This is Miley Cyrus.  She is nasty.  She likes to twerp and that is just bad manners!"

9. "Know who else is nasty? Justin Beaver.  He is really horrible.  Do you know all the bad stuff he does? He smokes, he drinks the beers, he texts, he drives race cars.  He was arrested because he broke up with Selena Gomez. I think we should stop sending him money." I am pretty sure the facts got a little misconstrued during 2nd grade gossip time but at least she doesn't seem to like the bad boys, yet.

10. "Mom, I think A3 has ear mice." No A1, she is just plugging her ears to make your constant noise stop.

These girls provide me with hours of entertainment...But you know what they say; Silence is golden! Actually in those rare moments that I am still awake and they are quiet I miss the competitive talking!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you need to stop giving money to Justin Beaver.
