Friday, January 3, 2014

Don't Scare Mommy

Dear Girls,

You should know by now your mommy is a big chicken.  It is NEVER a good idea to quietly creep downstairs and stand silently staring at her, especially if she is watching a scary show with creepy little possessed girls with long blond hair.  You will be guaranteed to experience a temporary hearing loss due to the high pitched scream your mommy will emit upon briefly seeing you out of the corner of her eye.  There is also a chance you will be karate chopped in the throat if she thinks you are a threat to her life, however that isn't likely since your mom is a wiltor and will collapse at the first sign of danger.  You do have a good chance of being kicked in the head as your mommy crumbles to the ground.  Please keep this in mind the next you feel like it is a good idea to come downstairs at 11:00 PM.

Your mommy is sorry that you can't sleep, but please be a normal kid and stay in your bed screaming until she can get to you. It is nice that you are consider your sisters who are sleeping, but you really should take the time to be selfish.  It is for your own safety.

Love Always,



  1. BAhahahahahahahahhhahahahahahaha... uhg... you do have a Children of the Corn crop going on there!
