Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow Ice Cream

In true follower fashion the A Team made Snow Ice Cream.  We were suffering from cabin fever and I either had to make the stuff that was the subject of many FB posts and pictures or sacrifice one of the young. We made the group decision to go for the ice cream.

I used a recipe that my friend recommended.  She makes this several times each winter and has made it for years. After making this... treat, I now question her judgement on all things!  This is one of the most horrible things I have ever eaten! The texture. The taste.  The smell.  YUCK!

A1 took one bite and said, "Is this another one of those healthy things you are trying to make us eat?" Then she started gagging while her eyes watered. 

A2 took a couple of bites and tried to reject it in the nicest way she could, "Mom, I am not saying I don't like it but I just don't think I should eat it any more.  It is cold you know." What!?! Ice cream made from snow is cold? You are right you better stop eating that right now!

A3 actually liked it.  She ate the entire bowl. I think this could be due to her 3 day long hunger strike though.

I added some chocolate powder and the taste improved slightly.  A1 ended up finishing hers and asked for more.  A2 still thought it was too cold. 

I will never make this again.  I will never trust my friend again.  I will never believe what I read on the internet. 

Snow Ice Cream is sNO Good!


  1. OMG... I make this every year! How did you make it? Where did you get the snow?

    1. Where did I get the snow? Are you out do town today or what!?! It was cultivated straight from my back yard as it fell from the sky. :) Maybe you can make me some tomorrow...
