Saturday, April 26, 2014

Try-a Papaya

I have decided that this summer the girls and I will be spending our meal times eating healthier foods.  We are going to try to go with fresh fruits and veggies when ever possible.  I even have a cute little visual aide (that is still in my head) that we will use as a reminder of the foods we are supposed to be eating. 

During spring break I started our prehealthy eating by introducing some new foods.  We had kiwi, It still makes me shudder, but I'm not telling the girls that!, and we also had sugar snap peas.  Both went over well with all 3 girls.  In fact, A2 even asked for the sugar snap peas for her snack.  By the end of the week A1 stopped gagging when she saw them on her plate.  I am considering both mini victories. 

Today, after I finished my bag of Brach's Malted Eggs, I began fixing the girls' lunches.  I went with a familiar corn dog and then decided to spring another new food on them; papaya. While they were outside I came up with the creative slogan, "Try-a Papaya!" I also came up with a fun presentation...papaya chunk kabobs.  I gave each girl 3 chunks of fruit and speared them with a toothpick.  I speared the fruit, not the girls...

A2 was the first to see her plate.  She was so excited.  She sat down and tried her papaya before eating anything else.  She laughed her wicked laughed as shoved them down.  She loved the papaya!

A3 was equally excited to try the new fruit.  She even asked for more "Pie-ya." I was a little disgusted when I realized she was dipping it in ketchup, but at least she was eating it.

A1 was a little harder to convince to eat something new.  I even tried to convince her that if we were on an exotic vacation we would be able to eat this straight from the tree. Then I wondered if they grew on trees... Maybe I should add some fun internet research to our summer healthy eating project.  We can find out how our food grows before we eat it. Ha! Who am I kidding? We will be lucky to remember to buy the fruit! Anyway, A1 wasn't buying my attempt at distracting and then tricking her into eating food. She told me that she wouldn't ever go on an exotic vacation so she won't have to eat gross food.  She rolled her eyes when I sang, "Try-a Papaya" to her.  She flicked the toothpicks.  She. Was. Not. Going. To. Try. It! I ended up taking her Ipod away until she ate them.  She fake gagged while she ate the first one.  I ignored her.  She cried while she ate the second one.  I ignored her.  She blamed me, Mac, and her taste buds for not liking them.  It wasn't her fault! I laughed at her.  She ate the third one.  She told me they were ok when I asked her what she thought. 

I know this will be a battle with the girls, especially A1, but it will be worth it in the end.  I think. I welcome any fun food suggestions while we make our transition from processed to fresh!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wanting to Run Away

I tend to become a hermit on my school breaks. It is a chance for me to recharge and be able to be an introvert functioning in a social world. When I am on a short break, like spring break, I try to avoid leaving my house at all costs.  I have been quite successful this week.  I have only left my house to visit a sweet newborn and my hair dresser.  Both were limited human interaction experiences, so they hardly count as rejoining the real world. 

Today, against my better judgment, the girls and I left the comfort of our house to buy new shoes.  I knew when I left the house this would mean multiple stores and LOTS of people.

The rest of this blog is dedicated to the people who made me want to run home, lock my door, and hide under the covers...

To Scatterbrained Couponing Mom: Our interaction began before we met.  I approached a checkout line with a lady finishing her purchase and an almost empty cart behind.  The cart contained a few random items; toothpaste, dog food, gum, sandwich bags, and a five year old.  I assumed the women checking out was with you since your daughter was with her, but as she finished her transaction your daughter began to panic and was screaming for you to hurry back because it was your turn.  You returned with your crazy eyes and just stared at me.  You made me want to run away.  I stayed.  You started arguing with the cashier because your coupon didn't work.  He tried to explain that the coupon wouldn't work because you tore the bar code.  You didn't care you wanted your $1.  You clipped it.  You earned it.  I waited for a manager to tell the young cashier what to do.  The manager came.  You complained the entire time he was talking to the cashier.  The cashier finished your transaction.  You left. The cashier scanned my stuff; 1 item, 2 items, 3 items, AND you are back.  You jump next to the cashier, you scare him.  You stuff your receipt in his face. You scream that he has made a mistake.  He apologizes.  He tells you to go to customer service.  You leave. He scans my next item. You come back.  You tell him the line is too long for you.  You tell him he needs to fix it.  The lady behind me tells you, under her breath, that you are nuts and to go back to customer service where you left your daughter in your cart.  You stare at her.  You leave.  You made me want to run away. 

To Deep Red: You nearly rear-ended me in the construction zone.  I did not approve of your wild drive our the rude words you said that I could clearly see since you were practically in my backseat.  In my head I said some really mean things to you.  You drove past me.  You gave me a special wave. You made me want to run away.  BTW, as clever as I am, your name was how I interpreted your license plate I just didn't think I could top Deep Red.

To Personal Space Super Creep: You got in line for a pretzel immediately after I did.  No one else was in line other than the lady in front of us.  You insisted on standing super close.  I turned to see if you were someone I knew playing a joke.  As my nose hit your nose, I realized I didn't know you. I looked for the hidden camera.  This had to be a joke.  Who would stand this close to someone?  I took a step forward.  You took a step forward.  Your breath moved the hair on the back of my head.  I looked back at you. You were too close I couldn't even focus on you.  I started to panic.  You made me want to run away.  I ordered.  The man who took my order thought we were together because we were practically joined at the hip.  I didn't know you, but you made me want to run away. (And sterilize myself)

To Facebook Freak: I am happy you thought I looked like someone who would want to see a status update from your friend while we waited in line, but I didn't know you and you didn't know me.  You were a stranger and honestly I wanted to keep it that way.  Yes, the story you showed me was very cute, but clearly, I am busy and huge decisions were being made as my girls argued about which cookie they were going to order.  You really shouldn't tap on the shoulder of a mom trying to maintain a little bit of control of her three wild youngsters.  I did my best to be polite but you made me want to run away!

To Teenaged Assassins: I am sure this started as a fun game.  Run around and shoot people who go to your high school.  You nearly slammed into my car as I was loading the girls into the car in the parking lot of the mall.  You were lucky my stroller was the only thing behind my car.  You were lucky I was in shock as you pulled away.  You were lucky that you made me want to run away or you would have seen my sweet ninja moves.  BTW YOU ARE VERY LUCKY YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY STICKERS FOR YOUR HIGH SCHOOL ON YOUR CAR BECAUSE I WOULD BE THAT LADY WHO WOULD BE TURNING YOU IN BECAUSE YOU ARE LUCKY YOU DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!

I know I said super crabby and nasty and maybe today I am but I do have to admit there is someone who we ran into that kind of made my day...

To Triple Threat: You were a scary looking trio.  You walked shoulder to shoulder and took up the entire aisle. Stacked on top of each other you would have been at least 18 ft tall with a combined weighed of  750lbs. Your super large arms were covered in homemade tattoos, (and I'm not talking about the cute wet and stick princess tattoos we do at our house). You wore attire that would make someone as sheltered as me assume you were in a gang. You made me want to run away.  As we passed you, A2 told you not to step on a crack because it was "hot lava." You all played along.  One of you jumped over the crack. One of you told the other the watch out.  The third pretended to step on the crack but pulled your foot back at the last second.  You all smiled at A2 and had a good laugh.  You made me happy that I didn't run away. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Being Rejected, Kind of

My rational self knows that everyday the girls are getting older, but I try not to think about it too much.  I don't want to be reminded that they won't always be the tiny people they are right now.  Sometimes I can go an entire week without the passage of time being thrown in my face.

Tonight; however, I was smacked upside the head with the "the girls are getting older" message.  A3 was the courier.  After I finished watching a movie downstairs, I could hear her moving in her bed upstairs.  She likes to bang her head on the rail of the crib when she wakes up at night.  She doesn't ever cry, so we assume it isn't hurting her. I guess we will find out in a few years if it caused any brain damage... Some nights I will go in while she is doing it and move her.  Most of the time she is still half asleep while she is doing it so she doesn't even realize I am there.  I will just roll her over put her blanket back on her and she falls back to sleep.

I ran up the stairs, checked on A1 and A2 who weren't sleeping in their room where they were supposed to be, and then I went to A3's room.  She continued to rock in her bed, banging her hear on the rail as I walked up to her.  I picker her up, gave her a hug and kiss, then I put her back in her bed.  I decided I would kneel down so I could watch her sleep at her level. I had just gotten comfortable when a pudgy hand stuck through the rail, as she pointed she said, "Mom, door."

THAT LITTLE STINKER WAS TELLNG ME TO LEAVE! I felt so rejected as I came to the conclusion she was at an age where she would rather put herself back to sleep than have me hang around and help.  I was starting to get depressed when I recalled that she never wanted anyone to help her get to sleep. She was the one who never fell asleep when I rocked her.  She never wanted to sleep anywhere but in her own room. Alone.

Phew! Was starting to feel better and then I remembered A1 and A2 would have to be moved out of my bed before I could go to sleep. Now, if only I could get these two to grow up to the point where they can put themselves back to sleep and need me to comfort them at night, every night. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Best Week Ever, until the next one.

Phew! I made it to spring break. I really needed a break this year! I am not really sure why.  This year I have one of the best classes I have ever had.  I truly enjoy going to work.  I have a great team of teachers to share my stress. I spend a great deal of my day happy and laughing.  Maybe the stress of the last couple of weeks has finally caught up to me and all the pressures of being a full time working mom were getting to be too much to handle.  That is why God made spring break...

We aren't going anywhere since A1 doesn't share the same break, but I still have big plans...

1. I have books to read.  I am ready to get lost in another world shared only by an author and the images he/she creates in my head.

2. I have movies to watch.  I bought Catching Fire the weekend it came out and I still haven't watched it.  I haven't had the uninterrupted 2 hours I need to fully enjoy this movie.

3. I have mindless tv to watch. I need to go on a Netflix binge.  I am thinking Game of Thrones.  Maybe.

4. I have hair to cut.  I am getting a new look.  Who am I kidding? It will end up being exactly the same as I always cut it, just shorter.

5. I have doctor's appointments scheduled.  The girls and I will be spending time at the eye doctor and their pediatrician.  Nothing says good time like booster shots.

6. I have a house to reorganize.  We have been just surviving since February.  I need to move from a house that is surviving to the house that is functioning. I will be moving room to room until it is done, or until I am bored.  I really only have to make the house function for about 7 more weeks and then I can begin my summer organization.

7. I have girls to play with.  I know the weather isn't FL weather but we will still have fun outside.

8. I have food to cook.  I love cooking for my family when I don't have the stress of everything else going on.

9. I have parties to plan.  I still haven't done the girls' friend party... oops... oh well waiting is good for them. I also have a baby shower to plan.

10. I have a baby to hold. Based on the phone call I got early my bestie's baby will be here sometime this weekend.

I have a busy week planned. This will be the best week ever!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Giggling Frustration

A2 has always been my greatest source of parenting frustation, mostly because A3 hasn't shown her true colors yet, but I'm on to her... but A2 is also my go-to gal when I need a laugh. 

Tonight was a perfect combination of giggling frustration. I decide to go to bed only to find A2 sitting in my bed coloring while watching HGTV. I immediately raise my voice and firmly tell her it was much too late for her to be up. She becomes dramatically remorseful I suspect it is fake. 

Then I step in something wet. Through gritted teeth I say, "Why did I just step in something wet?" 

My glaring eyes are met with a stare that is a mixture of deer in head lights and fake innocence. I wait for her to say, "Hmmm, do you mean that it feels wet?" 

So many great sarcastic responses are begging to come out, but I simply respond with, "Yes, A2, I mean why did I step on something that feels wet?" 

"Oh, well that is probably were I stepped on the bottle of lotion that squirted out on the floor. Sorry."

I turned on the light and found mounds of toilet paper waded up on the floor where she had obviously tried to clean up her mess. As I threw away the wasted toilet paper, I let my frustration talk. "A2, I'm not sure what to do at this point. I don't know what it will take to get you to know that when we tell you it is bed time, you need to go to bed and stay in bed. I'm so frustrated and tired I could just cry."

Completely serious she said, "I know, right? I could cry too." Then she squeezed a big fat tear out. As it rolled down her cheek she said, "Ah, much better. That was a good one."

I walked away from her so she wouldn't see me laughing. Ineffective parenting. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


A1 and I had an argument tonight, a silly one.  It was over something that really wasn't worth it.  I could blame it on me being really stressed this week or that I am tired or have had a headache for 3 days, but the truth is we had an argument because I am stubborn and don't want her to grow up.

The argument began simmering about 2 weeks ago when I saw a new name written on her school work.  I just decided to chalk it up to her being lazy and not wanting to write her entire name. Then a few days later A1's BFF came over and called her by this new name. I looked at A1 and she smiled and shrugged. Later that night I told her I wished she would go by her real name and not this new nickname. She basically ignored me.

Tonight I saw her write her new name on her homework and I lost it. I returned to rude mid 90's teen Carrie and snapped at her telling her I didn't like her writing THAT name on the top of the paper and I didn't want to see it ever again. Then she dared to ask me why. My ever cool response, "Because I said so."

A partial truth could have been, "because it is the name of an overdone, annoying musical that was forever ruined when the star of the move version taught all the girls in 4th and 5th grade about our new changing bodies." I could have opted for the half truth and said, "because your dad and I spent many hours fighting and arguing until we picked your perfect name." I could have gone with guilt and said, "because I spent a countless amount of time with you while you wrote your 8 letter name, that I gave you, on all of your classmates' Valentines when you were in preschool." I could have tried to appeal to her desire for fame and fortune and said, "because your name is the name of a future star." I could have been whiny and said, "because I have spent years correcting people on the spelling and pronunciation of your name."

I had so many options, but instead I took the easy way out and went with, "because I said so." Actually, it was a cowardly way out. If I was brave I could have told her the truth, "because it shows that you are growing up and becoming independent and you won't be NEEDING me much longer." A1 picked her own nickname.  She didn't check with me. She didn't consult with me. She took this step all by herself.

She is doing exactly what we have been raising her to do; grow up and make decisions on her own.  Tomorrow I will let her know that, while I prefer her real name, I will support her choice to have a nickname. I will hug her and remind her that no matter how old she is, she will always be my baby and when she gets older she will be just like me.   It is always good to leave them a little afraid.