Friday, April 11, 2014

Best Week Ever, until the next one.

Phew! I made it to spring break. I really needed a break this year! I am not really sure why.  This year I have one of the best classes I have ever had.  I truly enjoy going to work.  I have a great team of teachers to share my stress. I spend a great deal of my day happy and laughing.  Maybe the stress of the last couple of weeks has finally caught up to me and all the pressures of being a full time working mom were getting to be too much to handle.  That is why God made spring break...

We aren't going anywhere since A1 doesn't share the same break, but I still have big plans...

1. I have books to read.  I am ready to get lost in another world shared only by an author and the images he/she creates in my head.

2. I have movies to watch.  I bought Catching Fire the weekend it came out and I still haven't watched it.  I haven't had the uninterrupted 2 hours I need to fully enjoy this movie.

3. I have mindless tv to watch. I need to go on a Netflix binge.  I am thinking Game of Thrones.  Maybe.

4. I have hair to cut.  I am getting a new look.  Who am I kidding? It will end up being exactly the same as I always cut it, just shorter.

5. I have doctor's appointments scheduled.  The girls and I will be spending time at the eye doctor and their pediatrician.  Nothing says good time like booster shots.

6. I have a house to reorganize.  We have been just surviving since February.  I need to move from a house that is surviving to the house that is functioning. I will be moving room to room until it is done, or until I am bored.  I really only have to make the house function for about 7 more weeks and then I can begin my summer organization.

7. I have girls to play with.  I know the weather isn't FL weather but we will still have fun outside.

8. I have food to cook.  I love cooking for my family when I don't have the stress of everything else going on.

9. I have parties to plan.  I still haven't done the girls' friend party... oops... oh well waiting is good for them. I also have a baby shower to plan.

10. I have a baby to hold. Based on the phone call I got early my bestie's baby will be here sometime this weekend.

I have a busy week planned. This will be the best week ever!

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