Thursday, April 10, 2014

Giggling Frustration

A2 has always been my greatest source of parenting frustation, mostly because A3 hasn't shown her true colors yet, but I'm on to her... but A2 is also my go-to gal when I need a laugh. 

Tonight was a perfect combination of giggling frustration. I decide to go to bed only to find A2 sitting in my bed coloring while watching HGTV. I immediately raise my voice and firmly tell her it was much too late for her to be up. She becomes dramatically remorseful I suspect it is fake. 

Then I step in something wet. Through gritted teeth I say, "Why did I just step in something wet?" 

My glaring eyes are met with a stare that is a mixture of deer in head lights and fake innocence. I wait for her to say, "Hmmm, do you mean that it feels wet?" 

So many great sarcastic responses are begging to come out, but I simply respond with, "Yes, A2, I mean why did I step on something that feels wet?" 

"Oh, well that is probably were I stepped on the bottle of lotion that squirted out on the floor. Sorry."

I turned on the light and found mounds of toilet paper waded up on the floor where she had obviously tried to clean up her mess. As I threw away the wasted toilet paper, I let my frustration talk. "A2, I'm not sure what to do at this point. I don't know what it will take to get you to know that when we tell you it is bed time, you need to go to bed and stay in bed. I'm so frustrated and tired I could just cry."

Completely serious she said, "I know, right? I could cry too." Then she squeezed a big fat tear out. As it rolled down her cheek she said, "Ah, much better. That was a good one."

I walked away from her so she wouldn't see me laughing. Ineffective parenting. 

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