Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Team's take on Zucchini

This summer I have been continuing my on going battle of feeding my family healthy food. It has been difficult breaking 8 years of bad habits. I have implemented all the suggestions of the "experts".  I have included the girls in all aspects of the meal from planting, planning, and preparing. Nothing is helping improve the attitudes of these fast food lovers. BUT I'm going to keep trying, because it is important. 

This week our zucchini was ready to eat. I knew this squash, which made A2 gag last year, because she thought she was eating two piece swimwear, was going to be even harder to pass of as delicious this year.  I had the girls help me pick the zucchini from our garden. I tried to have them help me select recipes. They didn't have the attention span for that... I even had the girls help with the cooking. 

Dish #1:

The girls hated this recipe! A1 cried. A2 smiled as she chewed, but spit the food into her napkin when she thought I wasn't looking. A3 didn't try to hide her disgust for the zucchini as she stood up in her chair looked me in the eyes and spit her partially chewed right back onto her plate. Mac and I loved it, so we will have it at least one more time this summer. 

Dish #2:

Tonight's dinner was another zucchini creation. We had Stuffed Zucchini Boats. It was either the fun name or the fact that the zucchini was drowning in marinara and cheese that convinced the girls to try the meal. A1 was my biggest cheerleader. She took a bite and said, "Hey, this isn't as bad tonight." A2 decided to try it because A1. She ate the entire serving and asked for seconds. Then she told me it was disgusting. A3 returned to the standard chew and spit method. I also saw her swallow 3 pieces of zucchini, so I will count that as a win. 

As the girls were getting ready for bed, A2 asked if she could tell me the truth. There is no good way to prepare yourself for any thing that will follow that question, especially when it is from A2.
"Mom, the zucchini didn't taste disgusting. It was good tonight. I just think thinking about zucchini is disgusting. It grows outside in the garden. It is from the dirt. That is disgusting. What if I just ate dirt?  Disgusting!" 

I am so thankful for all those experts who suggested having the kids help plant. :D 


  1. Those look great! If they don't want them, I'll eat them!!!

    1. I almost invited you over when I read your FB post with all the bad food you wanted, but I was afraid you would think think that was weird. Plus, eating with the A Team is a wild adventure.

  2. LOL! I have similar feelings about nature, frankly, but I appreciate that healthy food does come from dirt, so I try to just put it out of my mind. ;-)
