Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Summer 2014 is the summer of the Staycation for the A Team. We originally planned on taking a trip with the girls, BUT the more we got to know the 2 year-old A3 the less we wanted to spend multiple hours in the car with her. 

I know this sounds awful, but seriously I have my reasons:
1. She WILL not sleep in the car. She will stay awake all night if she has to, but she won't sleep in the car. 
2. She hates listening to anyone sing, unless it is her. When we do sing she screams and cries. It is funny and entertaining for a little bit, but several hours of her yelling at us? No thanks!
3. Potty Training: she isn't ready to be without diapers, but she wants to be changed as soon as she goes in her diaper, even if it is every 5 minutes. 
4. I think she uses her free time to plot against us. A road trip would give her WAY too much time to plan!
See, I have my reasons. 

We have been taking the girls to their favorite places and trying new places in Springfield. Today we went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. A1 went when she was a baby, but that doesn't count, so this was a new place for the girls. 

We had fun, but are all exhausted. A1 had the best time, because she is a history buff like her dad. She enjoyed being able to read all of the signs. A2 and A3 were both a little scared. A2 didn't like how all the eyes followed her. She said the eyes were creepy. A3 just wanted to walk, be carried, and walk all at the same time. It really created an internal conflict that was displayed externally. BTW... Thanks fellow museum patrons who decided to stare every time she screamed, cried, or threw herself on the ground. I have a hard time believing A3 is the first 2 year old you have ever meet in public. 
When A3 wasn't angry, she was mostly interested in the shoes all of the people in the displays were wearing. 

We will go back, but A3 will have to be older, much older!

A3 checking out the shoes. A2 keeping her distance. 

A2 doesn't trust that boy. 

Playing dress up, our favorite thing to do! 

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