Monday, July 28, 2014

Hostage Situation

Hostage negotiations are not going well; however, I see our hostage standoff coming to an end very soon. 

This summer our family has been held hostage by a tiny abductor. Upon first glance she doesn't fit the stereotypical description of a criminal, but once you get past her cute looks and beautiful blue eyes you will encounter a criminal mastermind. 

Our entire summer has been dictated by multitude of mood swings of this explosive toddler. In a matter of seconds, she can go from a happy giggling curly haired girl to an angry fire breathing dragon. Her anger triggers aren't predictable, with the exception of our singing, we never know what will make her spin out of control. 

Last night's dinner conversation went something like this:

Me: "Do you like your chicken?"
A3: "I like chicken. Yummy chicken. I like chicken."
Me: "Eat your chicken."
A3: "Like chicken no! I not eat! No chicken!"
Me: "Eat your chicken."
A3: (in a growling voice) "I not eat chicken! Like chicken no!"
Me: (ignore tantrum. Talk to A1 and A2)
A3: (Eats chicken) "Yummy. No like."

These events happen daily, therefore we stay home. No restaurants or visits with friends, if it involves meals. 

She also thinks she needs her way. All. The. Time. When she doesn't get her way she will either grab the side of your face and pull you nose to nose to hypnotize you into getting what she wants or she will yell. Although, it isn't just a yell. It is more of a bellow. It is a deep husky demonic demand that starts down in her toes and doesn't stop until it has reached every ear within a mile radius. 

This bellowing happens hourly; therefore we stay home. No trips to the store or park. 

Our little captor has held us prisoner in our house all summer. 

Today I had enough. I was no longer the submissive prisoner she was accustomed to controlling. The tables were turned on her today. 

As soon as I heard, "I no like p jelly!" The food was removed from table, as was A3. I did allow her to return to the table as soon as she apologized, which happened faster than I thought. As soon as her demonic bellow escaped her mouth, she was sent to time out. After the third yelling episode, she apologized immediately. 

Tonight we played a game I picked and she didn't even argue. I think we are making progress. She was unwilling to negotiate, but the hostage situation is almost over, as soon as I'm ready to transition out of the house. 

Check out who is in charge here...

And here...

And here...

Ready to get this sweet girl back! 

*photo credit to the amazing Jill Gum, who, even though she was 9 months pregnant, followed the girls up and down the hill at the Muni and kept a smile the ENTIRE time! 

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