Monday, July 21, 2014

Zucchini. Again.

This morning I told the girls we would be making the last zucchini recipes for awhile, because the 3 that are still in the garden were too small to use yet. They celebrated with chant of "Woo hoos" and high fives. 

Today we made zucchini bread and zucchini chips. Mac and I thought both were delicious, but the girls didn't agree. 

A1 helped with the bread. She grated the zucchini like a champ. She told me it was her favorite job in the kitchen, because she felt like she was hurting the zucchini. Great, my attempt at making my family try new foods is turning A1 into a psycho. 

When the bread was finished, A1 and A2 swarmed the kitchen. The smell over powered their desire to hate zucchini, almost. A1 loved the bread! She said it was one of the best things she had ever had in her whole life. A2 didn't feel the same. My little foodie rejected another recipe. She said it would taste good if I would have left the zucchini out...

The zucchini chips came highly recommended from Arizona. The recipe had been approved by several nonzucchini lovers and it even converted a few. The girls loved the smell once again, BUT none of them like it. Our dinner music has become a chorus of gagging. The girls will at least try a bite without us begging or threatening first. I'm making progress. It is just a very slow process. 

I went to the garden to check on our cucumbers. I was surprised to find a hidden zucchini. I was really excited since a friend sent me a recipe that I wanted to try. The girls didn't share my excitement. 

I just hope this doesn't make A1 want to hurt the farmer...

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