Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I have been trying to ignore all the signs and symptoms of the girls getting old. Most days I am successful at denying the fact that my girls are no longer babies. This summer the task has been a little bit more difficult.  Every time I turn around A1 is throwing it in my face.  She is getting older whether I am ready for it or not.

Today as the most undeniable proof that A1 was no longer a baby.  I had to buy her first deodorant; or as A2 calls it, "Duderant." My sweet little girl all of a sudden has become a stinky little beast.  No longer does Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash keep her smelling fresh all day long. SHE IS GETTING OLDER AND HAS OLDER KID SMELLS.

Luckily I had the A team with me while I made the saddest purchase of my entire life. A1 danced and pranced down the aisle. Her excitement for first grownup purchase was contagious. Everyone who passed us couldn't help but smile and laugh at her. A2 continuously sang, "Duderant, we are buying duderant." A3 held the deodorant, cuddled it like a baby, and talked to it. How could I be upset with the purchase of this tiny item when it was clearly making the entire A Team so happy?

I have always had a difficult time with the changing of stages of the girls.  It is hard to watch them grow up and feel like they no longer need you.  A1 is leading the charge and well on her way to becoming a tween. I will just need to slow down, take in changes, and let the girls guide me through this.  Growing up stinks, but they know what they are doing...

"Duderant, we are buying duderant!"


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