Sunday, August 10, 2014

Kindergarten Supply List- The Expanded Version

Next week we will be sending A2 off to kindergarten. It isn't any less emotional kicking your second baby out of the nest, but I feel so much more prepared. We know things now. Things we didn't know three years ago. Things that will make this kindergarten year easier in many ways. 

The first thing we had to get us ready when A1 went to kindergarten was her supply list. We bought all the supplies, but soon found out there where things left off the list first time kindergarten parents may want to buy. 

Kindergarten Supply List
The Expanded Version 

1. Sunglasses: You will want these for the first day or two of school. These aren't for your kindergartener. These are your tear hiders. No matter how much of a toughy you are, seeing your baby climb the steps of a giant bus with a backpack on his/her back will bring a tear or two to your eyes. The sunglasses will hide the tears and block any potential eye contact from other parents at the bus stop. Sunglasses are a wise investment and I will be wearing them next week, even if it isn't sunny! 

2. Pajamas: Pajamas seem like a strange necessity, but trust me you will want to purchase at least one pair of nice warm weather pajamas and one pair of nice cool weather pajamas as soon as they are available. It never fails "Pajama Day" will fall on a day with freakishly unseasonable weather. It will be  late October and it will be 80* and the only thing you can find in stores will be flannel pajamas. Or it will be May and 40* and only short light weight pajamas will be available.  Also, if you are somewhat disorganized, like I might be, you won't be able to find a pajama shirt that matches any pajama pants. You will end up stressing WAY too much about being that parent who either sends his/her kids to school in regular clothes or in unsightly, unmatching pajamas. Buying new pajamas when you see them will help you on the long run!

3. Variety of color in wardrobe: The school year will be filled with a variety of special days where students are encouraged to wear certain clothes. These special days can be a lot of fun, if your wardrobe permits. We found that all of A1's clothes were pink, yellow, or purple. This made blue, green, and red days a challenge. It never failed I would have to make a run to several stores the weekend before in order to find the designated colors. 

4. Spirit Wear: This goes with #3. Your kindergartener will have days where he/she will be asked to wear clothes supporting the high school team. I love this, but we didn't have anything when A1 was in kindergarten. I taught in a different district than the district A1 attended. We had tons of "Bullet" wear but nothing for the "Titans."  I ignored the PTO table selling "Titan" shirts, but I should have stopped and picked up at least 1 shirt. I shamefully sent A1 to school without any spirit wear on that day. I promise she was ok, but it would have saved me a lot of grief if I would have bought 1 stinking shirt. 

5. Team shirts: Again this goes with #3 and #4. We aren't a sports family. We don't have a certain team we follow. We don't go to games. We don't own any team shirts. Once A1 got to kindergarten I began to worry that we were doing a disservice by not "having a team." On team day I was lucky enough to find some mystery sweat pants for a professional football team. We have no idea where they came from, but for one day A1 was a football fan. Don't be like us. Pick a team. Buy a shirt. Be prepared. 

6. Water bottle: Kindergarteners are thirsty little people. Most of the classrooms are difficult to keep cool, so students are encouraged to bring a water bottle. The nice thermos water bottle you purchased over the summer will no longer be good enough for your new sophisticated kindergartener. I recommend taking your child with you to pick out this prized water bottle.  

7. Safe Place: As the year goes on you will be the proud owner of a bunch of papers and passwords. Many of them are actually improtant, so you will want to designate a safe place in your house where these papers can be stored. You will thank me when it is a month after the quarter ended and you remember you haven't checked the online report card yet. You will save time and be happy you have saved time when you are trying to remember your assigned username CWARJSUEJSVAGK092737$$. As soon as I find this safe place in our house, I will let you know. 

8. Easy dinners: The first few weeks of school will be rough on your little kindergartener. He/she will be exhausted and starving by the time he/he gets home. You will want easy dinners you can serve within minutes, so you can avoid a sobbing meltdown. Keep in mind, your child might also be crying, so you won't be alone.  

9. A friend: Your kindergartener won't be the only one making new friends. You will want to make a few new friends as well. It will be helpful to find someone to go with you through this new adventure. If you are lucky enough you will be able to find someone to stick by your side k-12. I found a couple of friends in kindergarten and we are still friends going into 3rd grade. 

10. A Journal: You will want to keep track and remember all of the fun new adventures you will have with your kindergartener! 

Are all of these items necessary for kindergarten? Nope, but I promise they will make things easier.  These week I will be doing some shopping for pajamas, because if anyone actually saw the stuff A2 sleeps in, I might be embarrassed. 

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