Sunday, August 3, 2014

Unhappy Birthday To You!

It is funny to think that in this super musical family we have girl who hates hearing people sing. *Now, I am not bragging by saying that our family is super musically talented.  All I am saying is that someone is always singing, dancing, or banging on the piano.  I just had to add that disclaimer, in case you have every had the... pleasure of being entertained by one of our daily concerts

We have made a lot of progress in A3's hatred of all things live vocal music.  She can now sit through and enjoy a musical at the Muni. She will tolerate and join in singing with her sisters. She demands requests special friends sing songs like, "Twinkle, Twinkle."  She will even ask me to sing songs to her.  

For some reason, we haven't made any progress with one song. A3 HATES "Happy Birthday." It doesn't matter who's birthday it is or who is singing; A3 becomes an angry agitated tiny terror.  She screams and cries while the serenading is taking place. As soon as the singing is over, she calms down and returns to a happy-ish 2 year old.

Hopefully, she learns to get over this or she will have problems at school when kids in her class have birthdays!

Thanks for capturing this special moment Crystal!

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