Friday, August 15, 2014

Yes Day 2014

"Yes Day 2014" was very successful. All day it was yes, yes, yes. We started off sweet and ended with a bang, literally.

A2 woke up like she does every morning; starving and begging for food. A2 was in luck when she asked to bake muffins for breakfast. Yes. "Can I help?" Yes. "Can I have 2?"  Yes. 

A2 asked if she could pick out my clothes for me. Yes. Although, I did say I had an outfit already picked out for when we go shopping. She was fine with it. A2 found a Tshirt, shorts and creative socks. A3 liked the idea of picking out my clothes so she added shoes. 

After a quick trip to the doctor's office, we made our first real stop. My happy place, Barnes and Noble. Here is where "Yes Day" has rules. I told them before they went in they could have $5 to spend on any book they wanted. Their guidelines were clear. I didn't have to say no to any if their choices because they knew it had to be a book and $5 or less. They did great! 

Next stop, Target. Again, before we went in I told them what we were getting and what they could pick out; finger nail polish. We walked through the store got everything on my list and then headed to the fingernail polish. Once again the girls were great. No one asked for anything other than fingernail polish. 

Our last stop before going home, Baker's Square. It was Pie and Fri Friday. A little tradition we have to celebrate fun things. We skip the actual meal and head right for the fries and pie. The girls were excited when I let them have Pepsi at lunch. That is almost always a "no," but it was their lucky day. 

Heading home, my favorite "Yes Day" request was, "Can we ride if the windows down?" Yes. Who knew this would bring so much joy?

Our "Yes Day" came to a screeching halt when I was rear ended at a stop light. After waiting in the car with the girls for 45 minutes I was too tired and grumpy to continue with the fun. 

Even with the "bump in the road," I would have to say we had another successful "Yes Day."  Some of my friends have criticized my idea. They say it over indulges the kids and gives them too much freedom. I really think it teaches the girls valuable lessons. While they are in charge for the day, they are doing it with boundaries. I would like to think I'm giving them the freedom to make the right choices. 

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