Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bad Advice

Today I gave my first truly awful and horrible advice as a parent.  I am positive this won't be the last bad advice, but since it is the first it will be quiet memorable...

All school year we have heard complaints about one student in her class, "Suzy Q." Every day, seriously, every single day, we hear about all the mean things Suzy Q has said and done to A1. Suzy Q pushed me today. Suzy Q said I have ugly hair. Suzy Q said I don't have friends. Suzy Q scratched my face. Suzy Q said I am gay because my aunt is gay. Suzy Q told all the girls not to play with me at recess.  Suzy Q, Suzy Q, Suzy Q!

We have talked to A1 and tried to help her through this. She talks to the counselor at school at least once a week to help her deal with Suzy Q. She tries to stay away from her, but Suzy Q seems to be drawn to tormenting A1. A1 can't get a break from Suzy Q.

This afternoon while I was making a quick Dance Night Dinner, the one I rush to prepare and feed the girls in the 20 minutes we are all home before we have to leave the house, A2 decided it was the perfect opportunity to throw a completely nude temper tantrum in the middle of the kitchen, because her dance tights didn't feel "just right." I was already weak since it is Thursday and my emotions were shot. I had had it. I was at my boiling point. Sweat was started to collect on forehead. All the set up is to help make me look less horrible...

A1 felt this was the right time to open up about the daily Suzy Q drama. BAD TIMING!  "Mom today Suzy Q's dad was at school. She introduced him to me, I was the only one she introduced him to. She said, 'Dad this is A1, she is the class trouble maker.' Can you believe she said that?"

Now keep in mind, A1 hardly ever gets in trouble at school.  She is always on green and gets all of her Class Dojo Points. This was about the worst insult anyone could say to her... that is until I opened my big mouth.

I looked at her and said, "You should have said, 'Hey Mr, Q, your daughter is Suzy the class B!?@*." A1's eyes got bigger than I have ever seen. Her mouth dropped open. All I could do was sputter. Did I really just say that? Did I call a 3rd grade kid a B? Did I really just encourage my 3rd grade child to say that to an adult? AHHHH! 

I quickly backpedaled. I apologized. I told her it was bad to say that. I told her I was wrong to say such things. I offered to put vinegar in my mouth. I wanted to cry.

A1 just laughed and laughed. She said, "Since you are an adult it is ok to say those words sometimes. Now when I look at Suzy Q I am going to laugh. She is just not nice and she is what you said, but I am not an adult so I won't say it when people can hear it."

I am just going to ignore that last part and praise her and be thankful this little slip happened with A1 and not A2. Please tell me I am not alone and SOMEONE else has done something so horrible... Somebody? Anybody?

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