Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer Time Success

Summer Day 1 was a success!

A1 has one major goal for the summer; learn to ride her bike without training wheels.  Who knew she would accomplish it on the first day!?!

I know, I know, an eight year old still riding her bike with training wheels seems old, but she was TERRIFIED of trying. She was afraid of breaking her arm again, even though she broke her arm two years ago doing cartwheels and she doesn't have a problem flipping now, somehow she has decided falling from her bike will have the same results.  I wasn't going to push her, only encourage her. I knew she would come around when the time was right for her. 

The time was right yesterday, after one of the training wheels fell off her bike and a neighbor kid encouraged her by yelling that she was a baby because she still had training wheels. Thank you peer pressure... A1 came into the house and declared she wanted the other training wheel off right now.  She was done being a baby.

As soon as Mac got home, she met him in the garage begging for the removal of the training wheel. Within minutes the training wheel was gone.  A1 hopped on her bike and just took off.  She was riding like an expert in no time.  She is so proud of her summer accomplishment.

Since she is an expert at this bike riding stuff, she has been teaching A2 how to ride the bike too.

 A3 isn't ready to even reach the pedals, but she loves hanging out with the girls.

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